2 - A Dragon Finds A Fairy -

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300 years later...

Acnologia supposed one of the perks to quasi-immortality was that you had all the time in the world to, well, see the world. He drifted from place to place, never staying anywhere long enough for the people there to get familiar with him. While companionship would be nice, staying with the same people would get dull in most cases.

And nothing was a quicker road to insanity than boredom.

And there would be nothing worse than someone with all the power Acnologia had going insane. Well, he supposed a worse thing could be the fate worse than death Zeref had resigned himself to when he played fuck around and find out with the forces of life and death.

But right now Acnologia found himself flying over ocean, ocean, and more ocean. Nothing but a big expanse of dark inky blue to make a man or in this case, dragon, bored out of his mind. Could he have dived into the water and taken a look beneath the waves? Yes, but after a few incidents involving touchy squids and what he swore to the gods was the Kraken he wasn't taking chances.

So, he simply glided along the air currents and kept an eye out for anywhere to land. Despite it being night, Acnologia could see rather well.

Another perk to being formerly human, he supposed.

It was courtesy of this sight that he saw an island, its most notable feature being a giant tree in the middle of it. He figured it was as good a place as any to rest and while it was of a decent size, he doubted there would be anywhere to hide his dragon form from the elements. Just to be sure, he circled above the island a good few times and didn't notice any possible cave formations. Settling down on a part of the island near a building of some sort, he reverted to his human form and walked near the building, listening for anything to indicate danger.

He came to the entrance, knocking on the door.

"Hello? Is anyone there? I'm looking for a place to stay for the night and-" The door was immediately pulled open by a little girl that ushered him inside, closing the door as quickly and quietly as she could.

"Mister, are you a strong mage?" The girl asked. She was a small little thing, with raggedy blonde hair and a patchwork dress. Unsurprisingly, the girl didn't have any shoes. She looked to her side as if there was someone there, but all Acnologia sensed was an abnormal density of ethernano.

"Zera, don't say stuff like that!" The girl said in a scolding tone, balling her hands into fists. It was almost cute if not for the fact that the girl was actually talking to a fully sentient illusion. The illusion seemed the same age as her caster, with tidy brown hair tucked into pigtails and wearing some sort of uniform.

Yep, he was definitely staying on this island now. Leaving a young child with immense magic power in near isolation was a disaster waiting to happen. Even if it was 'weaker' magic like illusion magic, Acnologia still wasn't going to take any chances.

"I am strong, but what do you need that strength for?" Acnologia pulled out a nearby chair and sat down in it. The blonde girl did the same, looking up at him. Where were this child's parents? There should be at least one adult on this island and yet he had only met these two. Not only that, but he didn't sense any signs of others here.

"A seven months ago, everyone on this island was killed by the Blue Skull guild. Now there are zombies in the town. Could you please get rid of them?" The girl pleaded. Her voice seemed full of desperation, likely desperate to live a peaceful life. Acnologia wasn't exactly the most empathetic person, but even he wasn't so stonehearted as to let this kid fend for herself on an island with the undead in large quantities and only illusion magic to defend herself.

Demons And Dragonslayers (rewritten vers.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora