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Aquila Banjarnahor should have known this was coming, he should have seen it coming once he left Hoyt's operations once he meet his wife Atarah and now Hoyt Volker his former boss has come to bite him in the ass by sending his top man Vaas Montenegro a pirate leader that was standing outside of his home to kill him.

"Aquila?" The older man turned after peeking out the window to see Atarah looking afraid while holding their two children twins Selah and Tirto who were looking afraid and confused

"Atarah hide the children and do not let them come out until it's over," he ordered.

"W-what about you?" She asked worried.

"I'm going to deal with Vaas," he said

"Ayah no! It's to dangerous!" Selah pleaded running over to him hugging his waist

Aquila gently looked at his seventeen daughter before bending down and cupping her cheeks.

"Do not worry sayangku," he said, "these pirates are not so bright."

Suddenly a pounding was heard from the door

"Hey motherfucker come out right now so we can have a talk!" Vaas yelled out from outside.

Aquila looked at the twins

"Now go hide with your mother and do not come out until I tell you to,"

Atarah grabbed the twins before quickly going into the twins room to hide.

Once they were hidden, Aquila grabbed his combat knife gripping it making his knuckles turned white before taking a deep sigh and pocketing it

He opened the door to face a Hispanic man with a mohawk along with behind him his marry group of pirates.

"About time hermano I wasn't sure if you were gonna open the door," Vaas chuckled, "I was about to break the door and drag you out."

Aquila glared daggers at him.

"What do you want Vaas? Why are you here?"

"Oh you know why I'm here," Vaas gave a sadistic smile, "Hoyt sent me cause he and I heard from someone that you started a family with that perra you left seventeen years ago."

"Do not call my wife a bitch," Aquila growled, "and why is Volker to much of a pengecut to come here?"

"Hoyt trust me to get the job done so that's what I'm gonna do," Vaas replied.

"Well tell Hoyt I am not coming back ever I left that behind so get the hell of my property and tell your boss to go fuck himself

"Hoyt told me you would say that," the pirate said, "tell me does your children know what you use to be?"

Aquila sneered before gripping his knife again.

"Leave them out of this."

"See you my friend Hoyt wants them thinking they would work great for his operations and that-" Vaas explained before the older Indonesian male punch him in the jaw.

"I said leave them alone!" He roared before grabbing his knife out and lunging at Vaas 

Before Aquila could stabbed the insane pirate a gun shot rang out making him stop when he felt pain in his stomach as he looked down to see blood seeping through and a gun hold by Vaas pointing at his stomach.

Vaas gave a crazy grin shoving him down

"Hoyt also told me to kill you if you got in the way," he chuckled.

The dark skin male turn to look at his crew

"Get the fuck in there and find them!" He ordered, "then burn this motherfucker down!"

The pirates ran in while Aquila clutch his stomach trying to stop the bleeding as he heard everything was being thrown around as he hoped they wouldn't find his family but that proved him wrong

Screaming was heard as the members found them and soon came back dragging them by the hair.

Aquila!" Atarah screamed seeing the blood coming from his stomach making the twins look horrified.

"Here is the beautiful family!" Vaas cheered clapping his hands as they were forced to their knees while Vaas bent down while every men splashed the house with gasoline

"You know Aquila you really do have a beautiful kids, your son looks so much like you and your daughter-"

Vaas turned to look at Selah who was whimpering in fear

"She is very gorgeous," he said while stroking her face making her flinch.

"Please just leave us alone," Atarah pleaded.

Vaas ignored her than looked at Aquila 

"You know Hoyt was really disappointed when you left cause you were so good at your job."

"Go to hell," he groaned making Vaas gave a grin

"Not if you go first Amigo, hell why don't you go burn there along with your perra."

He nodded his head to two of his members as the two couples were dragged as Atarah was kicking and screaming.

"Mother! Father!" Selah and Tirto screamed as they were pinned down as the pirates lit the house on fire and Atarah was heard screaming.

Selah started sobbing as she watch her house engulfed in flames and all she could hear was her parents screaming in pain as the fire surround them.

"Don't cry novio," Vaas looked at her, "you and your brother will have a new life now that your parents paid their lives."

He gave a nod to,someone before Selah was knocked out when something hit her head as she blacked out.


ayah for father in Indonesian

sayangku for my dear in Indonesian

Hermano brother and perra for bitch in Indonesian

pengecut in Coward in Indonesian

A/N: so I have been playing Far cry 3 for a bit though I'm not really done with the game yet so this will be set in the game while the first three chapters will be set before the events and I swear ch 1 will be better once I think of some things

and no there will be no oc x Vaas in the story despite some sex scenes

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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