What Would Have Been

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As I mentioned earlier this week, I would explain what would have happened throughout the story. So I will start by revealing who the mystery stalker was in Season 3.

It was... drum roll please... Tiffany. It may come as a surprise to some but this turn was planned for a while. Tiffany would have been revealed to be very upset that she was left alone to care for Scarlett as she recovered. She was also holding a tremendous amount of guilt as she had begun to resent Scarlett due to how much it took to care for her. The reason Tiffany's name was at the bottom of the list was because she even wanted to punish herself. After she revealed her deeds, she expected everyone to turn on her once again and she could finally check off her own name. I know it is kind of dark, but I had begun getting into mature story-telling I think lol.

Okay, now I will continue on with Season 3, Couple/Character by Character:

Renee & Dean
Renee was a senior in Season 3 and was going to graduate. This season would have not had as much angst for the pair. Renee would have had trouble with Pete's younger brother Chris on campus but Chris was going to be a nice character who only wanted to make amends for his brother's actions. Renee and Dean were going to drive off after graduation together. Though Dean would have been a Senior in S4, he would not have returned for Season 4 where it was going to be revealed that he dropped out to start a life with Renee. The pair maybe would have returned for the final Season 4 Chapter as I had planned for this to be the "Series Finale" if you would.

Jessica & Seth
Now, for some sadness. Season 3 saw Seth not attending right away as he was recovering from his baby with Eva being stillborn. He would have eventually returned and he and Jessica would have continued a happy relationship. Until... late in Season 3, an earthquake would have caused a number of fatalities, Seth being one. Jessica would have found out now long after that she was pregnant with Seth's baby. Jessica would have had the baby and then traveled to meet Seth's Twin Brother, Colby. Jessica and Colby would have decided to co-parent the Baby in Iowa and this would have been a goodbye for Jess and Seth. This was one storyline I am afraid many would have hated, but I felt it would have been great. Jessica would have only returned for the Season 4 final chapter.

Eli & Neville
As you know, Eli and Neville began to make love starting with Season 3. And if you may remember, she was using condoms from Emily. And Tiffany poked holes in those condoms. Eli would have had a pregnancy scare with Jessica and Emily. Eli would have not gotten pregnant. She would have investigated who the person tormenting her and her friends was. She would have returned for Season 4 where she would have graduated in the Season 4 and both gotten jobs with WWE.

Tiffany & Roman
As I mentioned, Tiffany would have been revealed to be the mysterious enemy of Season 3. She would have been revealed as such midway through Season 3. Tiffany spends the rest of Season 3 trying to make it up to her friends. She struggles and is one of those who gets hurt by the earthquake but as she wakes up, everyone promises her that they are going to be there for her with every step of recovery. Tiffany would have returned for Season 4 despite Roman graduating in Season 3. The two would have stayed in touch with one another and still dated.

Scarlett, Finn, & Starr
Starr and Finn would have continued to date throughout most of Season 3, especially with everyone suspecting it is Scarlett who is behind everything. Once the truth is revealed, Starr finds herself unable to continue dating Finn as she feels bad. This would have lead to her eventually beginning to date Dash Wilder all the way until the finale of Season 4; though a slight pregnancy scare does cause issues between the four. Scarlett and Finn would have reunited and continued to date, with Finn helping Scarlett through some PTSD she would have been revealed to have. Their relationship would have continued all the way until the pair graduated together in the final chapter of Season 4.

Sierra & Dolph
Sierra would not have had a large role in Season 3 admittedly, but she would have also been targeted by Tiffany and her crusade. Dolph and Sierra would have continued to have a growing, loving relationship. They were never the most angsty couple so the only drama the two would have endured throughout Season 4 was them realizing that they would be following two separate paths in terms of their careers. They would have not ended the Series together, but would have promised one another they'd get back together afterwards if they were still single.

Emily, AJ, & Wade
The love triangle between the three would have come out due to Tiffany. AJ and Emily would have struggled with AJ ultimately deciding to forgive Emily due to the love he had for her. Emily would have gotten pregnant again due to the broken condoms and would not have known who the father was. The father would have been revealed to be AJ. When the earthquake strikes the campus, Emily would have gotten seriously injured but narrowly saved by AJ and delivered a premature child that eventually made it through. Wade, however, would have died after succumbing to his injuries. Emily and AJ would have continued their relationship and even gotten married during Season 4. Emily would have been very bittersweet about Eli's graduation.

Jacob Barnes & Eva Marie
Upon recovering from the loss of her child, Eva would have begun to build quite the friendship with Jacob that would have begun to blossom into more. Jacob's wife Audrey would have been an obstacle for the pair but that would have changed following her and Joseph Kane getting together. Jacob and Eva would have took on a very loving relationship, both having lost so much. Paige would have returned in Season 4 to see Jacob but upon seeing him and Eva together, would have left abruptly. Jacob and Eva would have been involved in the lawsuit WWE U goes under in Season 4.

Acadia & Cesaro
Acadia and Cesaro also would have continued to take on a growing relationship throughout Season 3. Acadia would not have been targeted by Tiffany but would have helped Eli in finding out who it was. During this time it would have been accidentally revealed that a number of faculty were dating students such as Acadia and Cesaro, Jacob and Eva, as well as AJ Lee and CM Punk. Acadia and Cesaro would have fought a ruling that these faculty members should be fired in Season 4. The pair would be together up until the Season 4 final update.

Skylar Sky
As you know, Skylar never had a romantic partner and this would have continued throughout the Season 3 and 4. Instead, Skylar would have built stronger bonds with the girl and even gone on to build a familial relationship with Audrey Barnes and Joe Kane, almost acting like a surrogate daughter figure. Skyler would continue to try to stay out of drama but would get dragged in here and there. Skylar would have gotten injured by the earthquake in Season 3, but would have recovered well.

AJ Lee & CM Punk
Though these two were dropped from the canvas in Season 2, they would have had a small role in the Season 4 storyline to defend the faculty members who were with students. The last they would have been seen was in Season 4 for graduation.

Well, this is what would have been for our Bad Bitches. You know it was amazing going back and reading all of these notes and reminiscing. It reminds me of a very simple and different time. It was funny seeing how short my updates used to be compared to know. How different my writing style was. But also how happy I was and how lucky I was to have so many interested readers. Of course I am still incredibly grateful for the readers I have now.

And if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to do this one last time:
If you loved the OG WWE University Series, don't forget to vote, comment, and share with friends. And go check out WWE University: NXT Gen. Thank you!

I will be closing the book on this chapter soon, stay on the look out for the final chapter showing where are Bad Bitches are today (in a world that is ignoring the Corona Virus... I just would rather not touch on that one lol). Thanks again my Lovelies! 💋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2020 ⏰

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