Chap 3:

217 13 15

" Play My HeartString "

Word Count

Sexual suggestiveness
Slight homophobia


  Cuphead rolled seemingly to the left side of his bed. His legs were tangled in the white bed sheets and one of his pillows ventured down towards the bottom half of the mattress. It was mid afternoon and Cup practically made the day his bitch. He had no intentions on getting up today. He was exhausted.

   A metal click shifted the static room's silence, a head peeped through the door.
''Hey Cuppers its about time you woke up. C'mon up and at em!''
Sam only stayed for a second later before closing the door, finally some quiet again. Suddenly again, not even a couple seconds later, He opens the door again and tosses a sofa pillow at Cuphead's bare shoulder.

   Cup groaned in protest, Sam snickered and licked his chapped lips, ''Henry is making us go out to lunch. Come on and hurry up, get dressed.'' He closed the door again and the click of the metal filled Cup's skull. He grumbled as one of his legs swung out over the bed top and his bare foot slapped onto the wooden floor.
   He fumbled with a white pill bottle on his nightstand, swallowing a white, round, chalky tablet. And then a sky blue capsule. Black numbers printed onto the sides of it.
Maybe today the bitch would be him, and not visa versa.

• • •

   Today was particularly sunny.
The weather was crisper than a clean sheet of music, Henry forced Sam and Cup, out and about throughout the day. They went to a local farmers market, walk in the park, and now they were on their way to a community-get-together event.
It was also, ironically, located at the park. Families of all kinds were mixed and shook together like a colorful snow globe.

   All three young men walked around the midst of the crowd, passing by greasy venders and young moms with screaming toddlers and babies. Eventually, and fortunately enough, they came across an old white gazebo.

   A band was playing sure enough and a tender mix of young teenagers and old couples with coolers and picnic blankets sat on the grass listening. Cuphead watched the band, he didn't recognize them, and they played songs he never heard of. However, they were not bad at playing, but they weren't spectacular. He already knew they were going to be the ones who weren't going to make it far in the music industry.

Henry pulled on Sam's sleeve, ''Look how she is playing the guitar!'' He gasped, ''She's good you guys!''

Sam waved Henry off and shoved his hand back in his jean pocket, ''Yeah and I'm a lizard with a cotton tail.''

''Aren't you?''

Sam clicked his tongue and gave a side eye to Henry, who seemed to have forgotten the whole thing even occurred.
Henry turned to Cuphead, ''You should play with us again, but this time it would be here!'' He spun around, arms wide, after finishing his sentence.
   Cuphead scratched the back of his exposed and sore neck, ''Maybe. But remember, I'm not looking for a place in your duo thing you got goin on.''

   Sam stayed silent then nodded in agreement, Henry sighed.
''Yeah, you want to make a name for yourself. I get it, maybe another time after you become wicked famous, yeah?''

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