date // gream [1/2]

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♡ Dream POV ♡

I let this smile linger on my face as I had said goodbye to a friend over the phone. He was clueless over my actual feelings on all occasions, and I can't say he was dumb from it. We had been hanging out for the longest time, and i never let my emotions be shown. Who does that when you could just grab another mason jar and bottle up those feelings to set them back on that shelf in the back of your mind.

The hardest part is helping the person you've been head over heels in love with, catch a date with this girl he sees. If only i hadn't caught feelings, then I'd be happy for him. I need to stop mourning myself and get my ass together.

After a four-minute shower, I had picked out a black and white checkered hoodie, black skinny jeans, and some red black and white checkered vans. a style I could pull off decently, to top it off I put on a worn red hat that looked surprisingly good with my skin tone. hard thing to find but the outfit pulled off.

Timeskip brought to you by Sammy being the flower girl of a canceled wedding :'(

"Wow, you showed up thirty minutes before I even had asked." I heard the British tone from I assume the couch whine. My heart feels so much pain hearing his voice. It sounded as if he had been crying.

Tossing my keys onto the glass coffee table I moved to squat beside the couch my best friend was mourning himself on. "Georgie, what's the issue?" I had a motherly tone, I hated how commonly it was heard when I was coming to help my friends, and I know very well it's a reason they see I'm just a friend.

"Hah, I'm fine." Was a muffled response I got from George. He had his face in a pillow as he was trying to keep from showing me his fearful face. It's not manly to show fear.

"Yeah right, then sit up and get out of this sweatshirt, not acceptable on a first date." I softly patted his back as I spoke, lightening his mood in the smallest way, but just enough to get him to get out of this depressed state.

He kicked his legs over the edge as he pushed himself off of his stomach. I stood back up in this motion to somewhat look down to him. "Thanks for the mental support." George let slip out of his lips begrudgingly.

I chuckled knowing very well he was just upset at this moment. "No problem-o, now quit your pitying yourself. It's sad to see, and disturbing."

"Yeah, but we both know you'd still kiss me if I was looking it." George somewhat flirted in a friendly manner. He has no right to be so beautiful I swear, twisting up my heartstrings and pulling them in the painful pattern he usually would. He stood up saying that, standing maybe five inches shorter than me.

He was so close when he stood up I couldn't not have my face redden. Rearranging from having him breathe against my neck I spoke, "not with that stinky breath, but sure." He huffed at me noticing his simple forgetting to brush his teeth in the morning. With a smirk, I tugged his hand to help him with his getting his shit together. "Come on, baby, you gotta get your ass out of that," I added slyly. I can see he was smiling again like he always does. His overly smiley nature replaces his lacking in blush, he smiles wildly when he's flustered. And it's beautiful.

"Damn, I got a date tonight, I'd rather not til later." He hissed back in a teasing grin that broke to his lips smiling as they do so much.

"Awe, come on, stand her up just for me?" I loosely looped our fingers together as he looked away trying to hide from the bashful look he held. My teasing sure messed with him, but he was hells of straight, he saw it as friends trying to figure how to flirt. "Baby, please." I dragged the words slightly backing him into his room as he seemed hypnotized by this, but once I finished I slightly shoved him into his room. I see him stumble back onto his bed as I stand in the door frame. "Get your ass in an outfit for your princess." This was dropped all flirting manner just me smirking in the doorframe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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