Failing Casanova

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For about the tenth time in less than a minute, I glance over towards the clock tower. Although I've been coming up to this balcony whenever I wish to getaway with a good book, today, for some odd reason, the clock tower that's stationed right opposite, is particulary a bother for me. It continuously poses to be a distraction, as I constantly sneak glances at the hands on it, which are in a frustratingly lazy state of mind at this given hour. For crying out loud, I've been stuck on the same page since Lord knows how long, and it's high time I focus on the words in front of me.

So I'll see you at eight? Once again, Singhania's voice nags within the confines of my head. On its own volition, my gaze travels towards the hands of the clock yet again. It is now half past eight. Of course, he's going to be unable to find me. If my enemy is even searching for me, that is. I bet Singhania has long since forgotten about our back and forth. Truth be told, I would not be surprised if he's already wrapped within the embrace of another lady-in-waiting. Perhaps the same one from today afternoon. 

I should call for her. Frowning, I shake my head. What in the world is wrong with me? Whether or not Singhania is with that particular lady, or any other, I shouldn't be the least bit concerned. For all I care, he can be flirting up a guard. 

"There you are!" A voice calls out from below. Moving aside the book that's in my grasp, I cast my gaze downwards. Singhania is leaning against a statue, grinning up at me, proudly. Both of his hands are occupied; a bottle of wine, in the right, and two goblets, in the left one. 

"I would've found a needle in a haystack sooner." He comments, releasing a dramatic sigh. Rolling my eyes, I divert my gaze back towards my book, although I am fully aware of the fact that nothing will register in my head.

"What're you doing here, Singhania?" I call out, feigning disinterest. However, I cannot lie to myself and say that I wasn't holding onto a sliver of hope regarding his magically materializing in front of me. Perhaps I need to stop paying heed to Sur's words, for they are most certainly getting to my head. 

"As promised, I'm here for our date," Singhania replies. Peeking a glance over the top of my novel, I find him raising the wine bottle and goblets. "And I come fully prepared, of course." 

"Was your damsel in distress busy with a palace guard?" I question, raising an eyebrow at him. In return, Singhania's knitted brows express pure confusion. 

"Who?" He asks, sounding and looking genuinely clueless. You've got to be kidding me. Has Singhania already forgotten about his babe of the noon?

"Afternoon," I say, hoping to get him to recall her. "The lady in the hallway. Picnic." Smiling in disbelief, I search his face for any signs of recognition.

"Ah right," Singhania exclaims, wagging his index finger in my direction. "Thank you for reminding me about her. I'll check up on her tomorrow." Of course he will. How in the world can I expect anything better from a man like Singhania? "Unless...You keep me distracted?" He suggests. 

"Watch it," I warn, diverting my gaze back to the novel. "Go away, Singhania, and stop disturbing me." 

"Princess," Singhania says, in a tone that implies he's not going to concede quite so easily. "I'm here to be your knight in shining armour. Let me rescue you from that boring book, and take its place as your date for the evening." 

"I rather spend time with a log," I retort. "Also, perhaps it's time you picked up a book and filled up that vacant brain of yours. I've heard that empty rooms often collect cobwebs." 

"For your kind information, Princess, I haven't picked up a book ever before in my life. And I most certainly do not intend on adopting this bad habit now," Singhania replies. 

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