To emphasize my answer, I slammed the garage door which resulted in his immediate attention.

"Bend over my desk with your pants dropped." I motioned to my desk in the opposite corner.

He took another deep breath before walking over to the desk, trying his best to keep a steady composure. I wrapped the belt around my knuckles and went to the other side of the desk so I was parallel to him.

"You have to understand that when you're out past your curfew a thousand chaotic thoughts run through my head. You could be partaking in something harmful and illegal such as drinking, smoking or with people you have no business being with, or you could be hurt or lost or alone."

"I understand, I'm sorry. I just wanted to stay a little longer so I wouldn't get made fun of."

"Peer pressure is not an excuse." I corrected him.

He looked down and nodded his head, finally allowing my words to sink in and realizing his mistake.

I reached across the desk and cupped his chin so he'd be forced to look at me. "Where do we look when we're being spoken to?"

"To the person speaking, sorry sir."

"When I give you a curfew you should be home at least five minutes before that time, anything else is unacceptable unless there is an extenuating circumstance which require a phone call. Is this understood?"

"Yes sir." He tried not showing any fear or emotion but I could easily see through his false facade.

Assuming this was enough, I went to his left side and cracked my knuckles before unwrapping the belt. He is sixteen, I am very able to understand that mistakes happen but I need to make sure the message sinks in as much as I can to ensure it doesn't happen again and that he understands the severity of the situation.

"You attempted to lie to me, you acted disrespectfully, and you broke your curfew. Now I have not had you in this position in a long time Eryk but do not make the mistake of assuming I won't enforce it more often if need be."

"Yes sir." He said quietly.

I raised the belt and landed the first stripe against his lower bottom. Keeping my aim steady, I rained down more swipes in the same area until ten were planted. I tried to keep my eyes on the target but I couldn't help but noticed how tensed his body was and how shakily his arms sunk with every hit. He remained perfectly still for the most part and I appreciated that, but I was not going to make this easy for him. I moved on to the middle of his bottom with another fifteen swipes.

"Ow!" He yelped after the twenty-fifth hit.

He began sniffling, and judging from the tensing of his neck and back there was no doubt that his face was red and his eyes glassy. Finally landing another ten, I sat the belt down next to him.

"Okay stand up." I instructed him.

He did, placing his hands behind his back before facing me. He had a runny nose now and I was correct when stating that his face was a deep red that no doubt matched his behind. No parent ever likes doing this to their children just like I get no pleasure in doing this to my oldest son but he needs to learn and this is the best way for him. But unfortunately this wasn't enough for him.

"Over in the last cabinet is a wooden ruler, go and bring it to me."

I could practically see his heart pounding from his chest, feeling the disappointment from assuming he was finished. Eryk has had the belt plenty of times before from me and I know it has lost a great deal of its affect so I'm in need of a greater example.

"Hurry." I said as he came back to me. "Hand it to me."

He did ever so gently before he took another few steps away from me.

"Now you're going to drop your boxers..." I stopped because he started breathing heavily. He calmed down shortly afterwards but I didn't want to worry him too much. "and bend down and touch your ankles."

He looked down at his ankles, more than likely thinking of how far he'd have to bend since he was tall for his age. Disregarding my command, he took another step back and shook his head.

"Eryk I won't tell you again. If I do I will go to my closet and get the paddle."

"No, no sir. I'll do it." He finally spoke.

He did as I instructed but had a hard time remaining still as he was shaking. I positioned myself as well and rested the ruler on his behind.

"All of this could have been avoided if you would have obeyed you're curfew."

I looked down and saw him nod his head. The ruler made a sharp thwack as soon as it made contact against his cheeks. He flinched forward but he kept himself balanced enough so I could continue without any delays. After roughly twenty hits with the ruler I could see the indented inch marks on the ruler beginning to imprint on his behind and I figured I should put him out of his misery.

"The last ten you are to count. Ready?"

"Yes sir."


"One sir."


"Two sir."


"Three sir."


"Four sir."

SMACK. I am proud that he quickly responded despite the pain he was feeling. Unlike Cody, Eryk rarely needs to be punished or corrected since he holds a higher regard of respect than his younger brother.

"Get dressed."

He stood up slowly, without facing me, and buckled his pants before sniffling hard and wiping some of his tears. I know he's embarrassed to be seen like this in front of anyone let alone me but it's what contributes to the punishment and makes it more effective.

"Are we going to need to have this conversation again?" I buckled my belt and placed my hands on my waist.

"N-no sir. I'm sorry I tried lying to you and gave you a hard time when I broke my curfew." He now regained his composure and crossed his arms to prevent any noticeable shaking.

Since he apologized on his own and it was sincere, I've decided to take it easy on the remaining of his punishment.

"You're grounded for three days, I will need your phone and your spare key to the truck."

He buried his hand in his left pocket and grabbed his key as well as his phone, checking his phone before surrendering it into my open palm.

I slapped my hand down on his shoulder and nudged him towards the door, "Time to get some sleep."

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