There is always a twist

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The rest murmered in agreement, but I reminded them, "Wouldn't that be breaking the terms of the agreement? She is not supposed to have any interactions with us - at all."

"Unless you have any other ideas I don't see another way to go." Artemis solemly looked at me, "I do not wish for the girl to die. Her offer still stands from me."

"But surely-" I argued, trying to find a way around this. If anything went wrong it would be an LERA'S head. Personally I had nothing against Annabeth - Hades, we had the same mother ( well kind of)- but between a sort-of sister and Lera, hands-down Lera is always my first priority. Just because she didn't come out of my womb like A.J. did does not mean I care for her any less.

"Ezabeth enough!" Mother snapped at me. "It's a done deal. Call up Lera let her know her task."

When I stared blankly at her trying not to burst out in anger, she glowered in my direction, "Fine then. Poseidon, be useful for once and make some mist for the IM."

Even though I knew father didn't like it when she ordered him around, he swallowed his pride and did as he was told since mother was in an unreasonable mood at the moment no one would dare stand up against her If they knew what was good for them. No one besides me.






In a moment like this I wished I had the advantages that children of the big three do. Or of some of children of Lady Aphrodite did with thier speech charmed words. It would've so easy to just trick Nicole-Anne into handing me what she clutched in her hand, instead of having an eternal stare match.

"Fine. Have it your way." I sneered. Not giving her a moment's noticed, I ran towards her and them jumped on the bunk bed next to the nightstand in which she retrieved the item in her hand. With the help of the bouncy bunk, I was able to jump high enough to be able to twist my body in a way which allowed me to pounce on her when I landed. It seems to prove that those hard-core lessons with Lord Ares weren't a waste of time after all.

"Get off me!" Nicole-Anne screamed, trying to push me off of her. "What the Hades are you?"

"My exact question." I answered, pinning her down with the weight of my body. "Now, are you going to cooperate. Or are you going to make it even more entertaining for me to squeeze the truth out of you?"

"Go to Tartarus!" She growled.

"Well sweetie, hate to break your dreams but I'm not the one facing the ground while being pinned down." I said sweetly as if talking to a child. Forcing her hands under her body, I forced her hand open and retrieved my prize. I was not disappointed, holding up a vintage looking necklace. It was decorated in several twisting designs. But in the middle of the quarter sized pendant was an owl -with small black beady eyes made up of a type of jewel that was surely precious- which seemed to clutch a snake in its claws. But that wasn't what caught my eye. Instead it was an engraved saying that I have not heard used in many decades.


"Where....where did you get this?" My voice was shakey as I asked, not tearing my eyes away from the pendant.

Nicole-Anne didn't answer. Her body seemed to tense as she realized that I knew what it meant. I would be surprised too if anyone else from camp knew aside from Chiron and Lord Dionysus. No one else was old enough to know or remember. Or at least I thought....until now.

"Answer me!" I yelled, loosing patience as dread kept on washing over me. How old was Nicole-Anne in reality? Now more certain than ever did I know that she was in fact a daughter of Athena. But from what era?

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