Five years ago she could have never imagined being a mother. She had grown up without parents and without the warmth that an parental figure would typically offer. 

The only guidance she had ever received was delivered harshly and with the intent only of raising a cold blooded assassin. 

She had no idea how she was expected to be a good mother when that was all she had ever known. 

Without Steve, she probably would have been completely lost. But James was barely a few months old and he was already brilliant with him. 

About twenty minutes later she heard the door swing open and Steve walked back inside with bags of takeout. 

James had just finished eating so she burped him until he had fallen asleep in her arms again. She placed him down in his crib and walked over to Steve, "Have I mentioned how incredible you are?" 

Steve smiled, "Maybe a few times." 

Natasha hummed and leaned up to kiss him, "If I keep saying it will you keep buying me takeout?" 

Steve laughed, "You don't have to sweet talk me into buying you food Nat. I'm already wrapped around your finger." 

Natasha smirked, "Lucky me then." 

Steve handed her a plate of food and shook his head with a small laugh, "Is James asleep?" 

"Yeah. He fell right back asleep after I fed him." 

Steve nodded, "If only he would do that at night." 

Natasha huffed a small laugh, "That would be too easy." 

Steve hummed in agreement and kissed Natasha's cheek, "Guess if the price of James is no sleep then I can live with it for a little longer." 

Natasha smiled, turning her head so she was looking up at him, "I suppose that's fair. Though I wish James would be a little bit more flexible with his schedule..." She paused leaning up so she was a mere centimeters away from Steve's lips, "He's really starting to get in the way of my sex life." 

Steve blushed a dark red and closed his eyes as Natasha touched her lips to his. 

Then, as though a reminder of what came from what they were about to do, James began to cry in the other room. 

Natasha chuckled against Steve's lips and pulled away, "Our son has impeccable timing."

Steve groaned, "Mhm. He must get it from his uncles." 

Natasha grinned over her shoulder as she disappeared from the room, "Or maybe he's just as impatient as you are." 

"You say that as though you aren't impatient," Steve teased back as she walked into the nursery. 

She came out a few moments later bouncing James in her arms with a small smile as he calmed down, "I'm not impatient, I'm persistent. There's a difference." 

Steve rolled his eyes as he walked up to her and James, "There is. And you are both." 

Natasha glared at him and she used her shoulder to nudge him in the arm hard enough that he apologized with a quick laugh. 

"I love you two so much," Steve whispered a few moments after James finally fell silent and was staring up in between his two parent's faces with wide blue eyes. 

Natasha smiled, looking away from James for a second to look at Steve, "I love you too." 

Steve leaned forward to kiss her. James must have protested because he swung his arms around and began to become fussy again the second they took their attention off him. 

Natasha laughed and Steve frowned and looked at their son, "What? I'll have you know that this is what got you here little man. You'll have to share with me sometimes." 

James smiled in response, as though he could understand everything Steve was saying. 

Natasha shook her head with a smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of absolute content and joy. 

"You alright?" Steve asked. 

Natasha nodded, leaning her head on his shoulder, "I'm perfect."

Hey guys. I'm so sorry that it's been forever since I've updated. I'm swamped with school and soccer while also having a serious case of senioritis and not wanting to do either anymore. Hopefully I can get back to more frequent updates soon. 

Important question though, would you guys rather me post more frequently and get rid of some request that I've had in drafts for a long time or try to get those out? I have a much harder time writing request than I do my own ideas so updates will be much quicker if I do away with some old request. Obviously if you are someone who wants to see a request still, you would be able to let me know and I would still work on that one. I just wonder how many of the request have been forgotten about by the people who requested them lol. 

Let me know in the comments and like always, if you enjoyed this chapter please comment and vote!

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