Changer 24: Unexpected

Start from the beginning

I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from smiling. His words ran through my mind, calming me, and helping me fall asleep faster. While I slept, I had no bad dreams, or any kind of dream for that matter.


"Somebody remind me why were sitting out here, in the hot sun, on a dock that could break any second?"

I look over at Peyton, another one of Samantha's friends who I've met over the course of the two weeks that I've been here. Looking over at her, someone who I called a friend, her skin was lightly tanned and had a slight shine to it from the sun, her candy apple green eyes were looking down at the clear lake water. A look of peace was on her face, but a frown on her lips took the peaceful look.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, it's because it's a beautiful day outside, and some people shouldn't be cooped up in a kitchen all day," I suggest sarcastically

Beside me, Sam laughs. "I totally agree."

"Ha,ha, very funny, but seriously, what the hell are we doing here?"

"Ugh," I gasp, dramatically. "Peyton, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

At first it was dead silent, but after a couple seconds Leautie, another friend of my new friends, is the first to laughs. Than Peyton, than Samantha, and lastly, myself.

You see, we have this thing going on, where if someone makes a joke, and it's funny, we wait and try to not laugh, but whoever laughs first loses and whoever lasts the longest wins. There's really no point to this game.

"Nah, you got it all wrong, only Clarke gets to have my lips," she says, dreamily. My nose crinkles up in disgust.

"Now, that, is disgusting." I say.

"Well, at least I'm not sleeping in the same tent as mountain Drew," Peyton points out with a comical laugh. MountainDrew?

I don't laugh, smirk, or smile at what Peyton had just said, I don't see how it was funny, seeing as it was pointed at me, most likely as an insult. I try to ignore the burning feeling in my gut, the slight pull on my heart as I felt a wave of emotion come over me. Holding back the urge to smack the wide grin off their faces, mostly Peyton's, I look out at the lake. The sun high in the sky, casting over us and the lake and the people back at the camp. I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath and then exhale feeling somewhat like myself. Not knowing what had come over me, the urge to smack Peyton was odd, she hasn't done anything wrong, she was dishing out whaty I gave her.

I could feel their stares as their laughter quieted down, how they realized I hadn't joined in. My eyes shoot open, an idea coming to mind. I was hot, sweat beading down my forehead, back, shoulders, and even at the backs of my knees. If anything could calm me down it was going to be the cool lake water.

I stand up, quickly prying my shirt off my body and shimmying out of my shorts. I walk over to the edge of the dock, the tips of my toes hanging over the it. My nose fills with the calming smell of lake water, which to some people may have been unpleasant, like if you where at fishing market and all the dead fish were around you - except this time, the fish were alive.

"What is she doing?" The three of them whisper among themselves, questioning my actions.

"I think she going for a swim." No, really?

With that last reply I decide to stop eavesdropping on their little conversation and walk backwards a few steps and than with a leap I'm holding my hands over my head, going straight down into the water - head first.

Within a few seconds I was ingulfed into the crystal clear lake water, the water cold against my skin, the sweat and grim that coated my skin was instantly washed off and my hair sleaked backward. The temperature of my body slowly lowered, the the feeling of heat from the sun was no longer there, and instead of a burning sensation all I could feel was tingles. I stretch mg arm outward in front of me and then pulling them backwards towards my side and than pulling them back in front of me, and the rotation of my arms swinging backwards and frontwards becomes a repeating cycle. My lungs weren't even sore, wasn't out of breath - which I found was really surprising. The skill of not having the urge to breath under water was new to me but I'm a quick learner, and within at least mere seconds I found it not so uncomfortable.

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