"It's a Bible."

"Oh, the book that the pastor was speaking of at the hospital! Is it very good?"

"Very. It has verses on just about everything."

She sat down next to him. "Really?" he handed the book to her and she fingered the thin pages. "That is a lot of words."

He chuckled. "Yes it is."

"What does it say about friends?"

"Friends?...well...I read this verse earlier...'Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.' "

"Then I guess we all truly love each other."

He smiled. "And there's also, 'For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up.' "

"I like this book." A brief silence passed between them. "Would you like to fly with me?"


"Every night, before I go to bed, and every morning when I wake up, I go flying. The wind that flows through my hair as I soar over the bay...it refreshes me. No matter my troubles, I find peace and can smile despite my pain." She smiled tenderly at him. "Would you join me tonight?"

"I would love to."

"Bring the book with you, I wish to read more."

"While we fly?"

"No, at the place we are going."

"And where is that?"

"I wish to keep it a secret."

He tucked the book into the waistband of his pants and held his arms out to her, unsure of how to hold her. Instead, she levitated out over the edge.


"What? Are you insane?!"

"For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow." She smiled.

He gulped and took a leap of faith. For a moment, he felt like he was flying on his own, before his stomach began to rise into his throat. But Starfire's arms wrapped around him before he fell very far.

"I told you I would catch you."

"You always do." He placed his arms at her waist and held her tightly, while her arms draped across his neck.

"Shall we?"

He nodded.

Through the skies, dancing through the clouds, sailing across the water. The duo soared. No words shared between them, nothing needed to be said. They were just content to be in each other's arms. Star's hair swirled in the wind, brushing against his cheek, causing him to blush. She tucked her head under his chin and hooked her ankles with his. She was right, he was at peace, and not even the frantic beating of his heart could drown it out.

A few moments later, they touched down on a cliff face, somewhere looking out over the ocean. He used her as a support as they sat on a rock.

"I come out here when I am sick for my home. I look out over the ocean, as it is dark as night. And on certain nights, when there are no clouds and the moon is not visible, I can see Tamaran." She looked at him. "What about your home?" she asked delicately.

"Well...Gotham was my home...but I think of the tower as where I belong."

"What about before Gotham?"

He swallowed. "Before Gotham...a circus train car was my home. I lived there with my mom and dad. The car ahead of us was the clown car. Three brothers lived there. And the car behind us had the lion tamer and his wife. We were always traveling. Only stopping in one town for no longer than a week. When I wasn't in practice, I spent my time with the elephants."

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