Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Do you two know each other?" Aphrodite asked Cato and me. I nodded and hoped that Cato would tell her that we liked each other. "Yes. Clove's my girlfriend." Cato said. I felt happy inside. "Yeah," I said. Brutus chuckled, and then his face went serious. "You can't let anyone know that. You can't seem too close, or else you won't be able to be allies with other people, especially other Careers. Act like you're just friends. I also suggest that one of you pretends to be romantically interested in a District One tribute. It plays well with the public. More sponsors." Brutus. Cato and I nodded. Inside I felt sad and annoyed. Not like Cato? Ugh. But I decided to listen to Brutus. He was way more experienced than I was, or am. After we talked for a while, Aphrodite told us it was time for lunch. Cato, Brutus, and I went over to the beautiful table. Aphrodite said they were called "Tribute Tables" because they were in each tribute car. They were made of a pretty wood, but I can't seem to remember the name of the it. Whatever. So anyway, for the rest of the way to the Capital, it was really boring. Let's just skip to when we get there. Cato and I stood by the windows and waved to the Capital people. They loved us. Across the concrete platform, I could see the other Tribute trains arriving. I was so thrilled. All the other Tributes looked either terrified, excited like us, or really confused. The District One train emptied first, and then me, Cato, Brutus, and Aphrodite left. "We can do this, Clove. And by the way, just in case I don't get the chance to say it again, you look absolutely fantastic." Cato told me. I smiled. We chatted while we walked to the hotel for Tributes. We were almost there when a little girl, about 7 or 8 years old stopped me. She was tiny with cute little red curls that fell to her shoulders. "I know I'm not supposed to be over here, but I saw you getting off the train a minute ago, I wanted to talk to you. What's your name?" she said in a voice that only a Capital girl could have. I smiled. "I'm Clove. And that guy over there is Cato. We're from District Two." I said sweetly. The little girl grinned. "I'm Ada. You and him are my favorites. I'm rooting for you. Good luck." Ada told Cato and me. She gave me a hug and then ran back to where her mom was waiting. Cato looked at me and smiled. "That's why we're here. People like her." he said. I nodded. We both looked at each other and laughed. We were in the Capital! We walked into the hotel slowly and were greeted by a souvenir shop. Brutus motioned to it. "Go and pick something out. It's free for Tributes." he told us. Cato and I went into the shop. As soon as I walked in, something caught my eye. It was a gold spearhead. Since one of Cato's skills is spear throwing, I decided to buy it for him. I walked out of the store and stood next to Aphrodite with my hands behind my back. When Cato finally came out of the store, his hands were behind his back too. He grinned at me impishly. I returned the look. Brutus led us to our hotel room. The second we walked in; I was completely amazed. Everything was silver, and I mean everything. Brutus and Aphrodite told us that District One's room was all gold, but Cato and I could not have cared less. In the heat of the moment, I handed him the spearhead. "Here. This is for you." I told him. Cato smiled, then he gave me a small journal and an iron pen. "When we win the games, you'll want to publish this." he said. On the journal is the symbol of District Two, the crossed hammers. The pen is iron, which means it was made in District Two. I gave him a hug and immediately opened the book. I wrote for 2 hours, trying to remember every detail from the last two days. I'm still writing. Obviously, because how else would you be reading this? I don't know. I hear knocking noises at the door. Cato and Brutus, who have been talking while I've been writing, jump up to answer it. Aphrodite has been watching a show this whole time, and she's completely engrossed in it. Every so often, she makes little noises as she watches. "Aah," or "Ooh," and sometimes "Aww, yes" and the occasional "NO! What are you thinking?" She is so funny. Back to Cato and Brutus at the door, I think dinner's here. I walk over to the table, and my assumption was absolutely correct. Dinner is here, and it smells amazing.

Dinner was amazing. Districts One, Two, and Four get to eat delicious seared veal, with a smooth gravy-like sauce that is to die for. The other Districts had to eat some gross lamb stew. Eww. But anyway, our meal was utterly perfect. My favorite meal by far. But any way, the next few days Cato and I train. We team up with the District One Tributes, just like Brutus told us to. The male Tribute from One is really ugly. Like, really ugly. But the girl, she looks like a model. Cato and I decided that Cato would fake a romance with the girl, Glimmer. The ugly boy's name is Marvel. I marvel at his hideousness. Ha-ha, get it? If I'm being honest though, he's not that bad, but with Cato standing next to him, Marvel does look awful. Anyhow, I hate Glimmer. She is so stupid. She's a dumb blonde, literally. The girl only talks about her hair, how everyone else thinks she is just so funny and pretty, and the chariot procession. Oh yeah, the chariot procession. Forgot about that.

For the chariot procession, Cato and I will be wearing gold, to show District One that we are the real gold. Ok, that's not the real reason, but it's what Cato and I like to think. It's really because our district's talent is masonry. My stylist, a simpering idiot named Ingrid, has chosen an ancient Roman theme. "Mars, the messenger god" is her inspiration. What nonsense she's going on about I can't tell you. One thing I can't argue against is her work. It's absolutely fantastic! I'm so excited for tomorrow. I mean, I've seen the other Tributes, but I'm looking forward to seeing what they look like in their outfits. I'm also worried whenever I think of Brutus's advice. Faking being 'romantically interested' in a District One Tribute. Poor Cato. Lucky Glimmer.

Tonight is the night of the chariot parade. I'm worried that I'll mess something up, or just be boring. Oh, and, I've been told that Enobaria will be coming tonight. Yay! Brutus and Aphrodite, after seeing Cato and I's outfits, reassure us that we will definitely look the best at the chariot procession. I haven't seen the outfits yet, but I trust Aphrodite's style. After I'm 'beautified' by Ingrid, she takes me to a closet wardrobe thing, and opens it up. I see gold gladiator-type armor that I will wear over a glittery gold suit with a winged helmet. It's stunning. I quickly change into it, and then Ingrid does my hair in an intricate design. I am so excited, but nervous. Anyway, Ingrid and Aphrodite take me to the chariot runway thing. There I see Cato. He looks so perfect. Since no cameras are watching, I run to him. "Cato, wow! You look great!" I tell him. He winks and hugs me. "There's no way I can look better than you. You look, oh my word, just wow. I'm speechless!" he says. We smile at each other, and then he leans in. We kiss. I am so happy I could burst. Suddenly, Enobaria and Brutus storm in. "Clove! Cato! What did I say? You guys are not a couple. So, stop with all the kissing and hugging and holding hands, ok?" Brutus says loudly. Enobaria sighs. "Brutus told me about everything. We're not doing it to be mean. We just don't want you to get hurt. You guys are important to us." she says. She flashes us a sharp-toothed smile and walks towards me with her arms open. She hugs me. "Enobaria! I-I-, Oh my gosh! You are my favorite female victor ever! I've always looked up to you!" I shriek. She grins, and I have to admit, she is just as terrifying as I'd thought. But I'm surprised by myself. I'm not scared! She feels like the supportive mother I never had. I mean, I had a mother, but she only cared about my life. Not me. My success was more important than the actual me to her. It was painful to grow up like that, but I've gotten used to it.

Anyway, Enobaria and Brutus make sure Cato and I both look perfect. Then we step on our chariots and go. The second I hear the cheering; I wave and smile like a model on a stage. Looking at all those people, I notice something. "Cato, I'm scared," I whisper through a fake smile. "Clove, I'm here. I'm here with you. I'm here for you. I'll always be there for you." he tells me, his impeccable smile and wave unbroken. I nod, and suddenly I feel better. Cato's here. I'm safe. I feel invincible knowing I have Cato. And my fake smile becomes real.

When we step of our chariots at the end, Glimmer and Marvel run towards us. "You guys were great! Cato, you look amazing!" Glimmer says. I turn around for a quick second and roll my eyes. When I return to my original position, I notice Marvel smile-staring at me. I fake smile back. Suddenly, without warning, Glimmer jumps into Cato's arms and kisses him. He seems completely shocked, but he acts like it happens all the time. Marvel looks awkwardly at them, and then turns to me. "Do you want to-?" he asks. "No," I say. He nods. "We'll save it for the arena." he says, winking. "Aah. Ok." I respond. He's weird. I glance over at Cato and Glimmer. They're finally finished. "See you tomorrow," Glimmer says in a flirty voice. Marvel and Glimmer both walk away. Cato turns to me and cringes. "Clove, I am so sorry. She just, did it. I didn't mean for that to happen. I love you, Clove." he tells me. I smile at him. Despite some minor problems, today went just fine.

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