Chapter Two

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I woke up really early the next morning. My mom wasn't even awake yet, and she usually wakes me up. I put on my favorite dress, fixed my hair so I looked fantastic, and looked into the mirror. I walked over to a box that had been left on my desk. The label said I was supposed to open it before the Reaping. I ripped it open, because I was really wondering what was inside. In the box was a beautiful, shiny crown. I put it on my head and smiled. I looked down at the box and saw that there was another crown that was more boyish. It was for Cato. I smiled. Before I left to go to the Reaping, I gave my parents a huge hug and promised that I would make it back. I walked to the Reaping slowly, savoring each moment. I was so excited. So excited. When I finally got there, Cato and Grissom were waiting for me. Grissom coughed loudly, and then he motioned for me and Cato to follow him. He sat us down in the front row's seats and then he walked up on stage. A young woman in her late twenties stood up there with him. She wore a beautiful reddish-brown dress and had long black hair that fell to her knees. She stepped up to the microphone. "Hello, District Two! It's me, Aphrodite! I haven't seen you guys for a while. Well, you all know why I'm here. I'm here to take two lucky guests back to the Capital with me to compete in the annual Hunger Games! Whoo!" she said energetically, throwing her hands up as she applauded. Cato and I yelled and cheered. "Now I'd like to welcome our very own Brutus! We love you!" Aphrodite called. A tall, bald, muscular man stepped up to the platform. He was smiling. Cato gaped. "He's our mentor? He's a legend!" Cato said. I had been looking forward to having Enobaria as a mentor, but she apparently won't be mentoring us. On the stage, Aphrodite walked over to Brutus and handed him the microphone. "Boys first!" Brutus called. Cato stood up. "I volunteer!" he said as he walked up to the front and showed Brutus his certificate that Grissom had given him. Brutus nodded. "For the boys, that's Marcus Porcius Cato!" Brutus hollered. Cato yelled happily. Aphrodite grinned. "Time for the girls!" she called. I stood up, and realized I was trembling. I tried to speak, but no words came out. Then a voice screamed, "I volunteer!" I whirled around to see a very tall, slender girl who looked about 17 walk through the aisles. "NO!" I screeched. "I volunteer! I volunteer!" I pleaded. Aphrodite looked confused. "I'm sorry, but we must accept the first volunteer who is physically able to compete in the games as our female tribute." Aphrodite said sorrowfully. I snarled. "Able to compete in the games?" I growled. I waited for the tall girl to come closer. When she did, I attacked. I jumped up, grabbed her arm and twisted it around her head. She screamed loudly. I pulled her down and pinned her to the ground. Brutus's face lit up. "I want her up here now! Forget the rules! Her! Here! Now!" Brutus called. "You would've been dead in seconds. You are a disappointment to your District and to your family." I whispered to the girl. I slammed her down on the ground. Peacekeepers were already surrounding me. I walked up to the stage. "Yes?" I snapped. I was not in a good mood. Brutus laughed. Aphrodite spoke. "What do you have to say for yourself?" she said. She handed me the microphone. "She's not physically able now, is she?" I snarked as I handed Brutus my certificate. Aphrodite smiled. "Your name, please?" she asked, looking at me. I smirked. "Clove Kentwell." I said confidently. "Alright! Give it up for Clove Kentwell, your female tribute! Happy Hunger Games to all!" Aphrodite said happily. The crowd was electric. They loved my performance. Brutus wanted me in the games. And I was with Cato! We waved goodbye to the audience and marched into the Great Hall. After that, we loaded into the train and zoomed away from home.

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