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Marinette POV

I heard two people talking about something. I didn't understand what they were saying.

I felt a stomachache and I was raising something. I quickly got up from the cup, looking for a basket with crawling to throw up.
I was very ill. I felt bad nausea

Adrian POV

I was talking to Master Fu when I heard something falling from the room.
“What was that?” I said

“What?” Said Master Fu.

"What was that sound?" I said.

"Marinette!" I said anxiously and went into the room.

Master. Fu also came into the room.

" you know her identity?!" Said Master. Fu.

I saw Marinette pulling herself to the ground and blocking her mouth. I helped her out and put the trash in front of her and I pulled her hair.
She was throwing up bloods.

I looked at Master Fu."Whenever she feel stressed, she'll throw up bloods."

I took Marinette to her house and told her parents everything.
I went back to the normal way, and the women would walk into the house where everyone would avoid me and say, "his dad..., that's what he can be."

Their behavior was strange. When I got home I saw Alya at home.

"Hi" I said

"Hi. you aren't anything special are you?" Alya said with fear.

"What are you doing here? Why do people treat me like this? What is it?" I said.

"I came to know more for my blog," Alya said.

“Here?” I said with surprise.

"What do you mean? Here's the expert source," Alya said.

“Why?” I said.

" you know nothing?!" Alya said.

"Can you tell me what's going on here? Why do people treat me like this?" I said.

"Look, I'm telling you. you just have to put yourself together," Alya said.

"Okay just say it" I said.

"Honestly, did you know that Hawkomath was your dad?" Alya said.

"Hawkmoth? Dad? What?" I said. I could hear no more noise in my head.

I rang the doorbell
The door opened and I entered the house and got everything I needed.
And I put my cellphone in that house and left my room.

"Tomorrow you have to...." Natalie said.

"Im not doing them" I said.

It wasn't over when I knocked down the stairs.

"Where are you going Adrien?" Natalie said.

I turned around and shouted, "you know what's going on out there?! You saw news?!"

Then I went on my way again.

"What are you doing, Adrian? Where are you going?," Natalie said.

"Why should I listen to you? I won't listen to you anymore."I said.

"I know Adrian. If you knew the reason, you would understand us. It's nothing like that," Natalie said

"You knew he was Hawkmoth? Yeah?Whatever the reason. But how about that? Do you want to reach your goal? Really ... He did that to so many people. You know one of them could be me?! ITS FUCKING DANGEROUS. How could he? Now i believe that his heart is made from stone.." I stopped talking and ran out of the house.

"Adrien," Alya said. But I ran.

It was raining. I was walking down the street. I didn't know where to go, I just walked.
I couldn't raise my head, just look at my feet and walk straight.

I went and sat in the park. It started raining I didn't have an umbrella either. It was raining hard. I was just looking at my feet. My mind was busy and my brain wasn't working.

Marinette POV

I was lying on the bed. After a hour or so I got better and went to Roof. It was raining. It was all over the place. No one was in the street.

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