Chapter 1- Field Day

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Present day- Broccoli Farm in Waco, Texas:

"Welp!" Says farmer Trevor "We best get to plantin' boys. Whip out your seeds and get to work." The farmers begin planting the seeds. Its late summer in Texas and the prime time to plant broccoli. "Come on boys hustle, hustle! We were supposed to have these all in the ground by yesterday. I'll be damned if we don't get all these harvested before Farmer Mike." Farmer Mike was Farmer Trevor's neighbor, childhood friend and rival. Every year they tied in the states contest for "Best Broccoli" which took place at a fair in mid-October, where all the local broccoli farmers would bring in their finest broccoli and have it judged. For 10 years it always tied.  

"Good work boys. We should have all of these planted and soiled by Friday."

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