Episode 2:The Stroll

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Harleys POV
Popol was still holding my hands while strolling around the campus this is actually the best day of my life my crush beside me taking a walk with me and also holding my hand I blushed like a freaking tomato again

After the stroll we sat down on a tree to settle down after a few minutes of silence Popol decided to break it "Finally I get to hang out with you Harley Vance" He said as he was staring at me with a very cute smile "I never got a chance to ask you out on a stroll since you always run away whenever I try to ask you" He said, I blushed in embarrassment was I really that hard to get

"Anyway say something Harley you didn't even say a word since we left the hallway for the walk," He said we a disappointing tone I suck up enough courage and release the words that pop out of my mouth "H-hi...P-Popol lets..G-get M-married A-nd h-have K-kids..." I smiled very awkwardly "Ummm what are you talking about?" He said while scratching the back of his head GOSH THIS IS SO AWKWARD WHY DID I EVEN AGREED FOR A STROLL IN THE FIRST PLACE IDIOT HARLEY I said to myself a few minutes of silence then Popol decided to break it again

"Well since you've got nothing to say or to tell let me just tell you my childhood story if its okay to you" I nodded wow Popol is talkative and never ran out of stories to say, so the rumors are true that he is really friendly

(Keep in mind that this is not the real story of Popol I just changed it cause I want to)

"Now where to begin let's just say my childhood is fun, horrible and then back to being normal. I grew up in Nothern Vale with my parents in the village, there I used to have lots of friends to play with so growing up wasn't tough I said to myself since I've got a lot of companions at my side but I was wrong, as time went by everyone started to disappear I thought at first that they were just taking a vacation and will come back to the village but....none it's pretty weird actually because as time passed by me and my parents were the only ones left in the village"

He chuckled with tears falling down his eyes I could tell that he was devastated because the fact that everyone left him all of his companions gone "Hey are you ok? Are you sure you want to continue?" I asked him while rubbing his back and wiping the tears at his cheeks "Yeah..." He said as he fixed himself up "So where was I? oh yeah the part were we are the only ones left in the village it was weird at first on why all of our neighbors disappeared so I investigated for the sake of my companions and then I was shocked to know the truth. It was midnight I went to the basement just because of my curiosity and found an old newspaper in the headline it said *FROST ORACLE CRAZY TRYING TO KILL PEOPLE FOR POWER* I was confused frost oracle? aurora?a killer? And then I heard a scream both coming from my parents' room I rushed towards there only to see their bodies laying on the floor with blue substance trying to melt them then I saw HER laughing maniacally and then she said "Oh don't fear me, my child, I was just here to collect some powers from weak little humans like you speaking of which GET HIM"

She said ordering two giant ice golems to catch me I ran and ran until I cant view my village I didn't care if there was a cliff ahead I just jumped for my safety, then I woke up in a cabin filled with nurses that are taking care of me one of them is named Rafaela and she adopted me since I told her my story and then we moved here into town to start a new fresh life"

Wow, I didn't know Popol went through a lot of horrible stuff like seeing his own parents died in front of him I felt pity for him and I want to help him start his new life so I stand up from my sitting position and lend him a hand and said "Don't worry Popol I'm here for you" Then he hugged me...


"Thank you, Harley" He whispered then he let go of the hug and we continued our stroll around the school until the bell rang signaling the students to go to their respected classes Popol waved goodbye and went inside the building while I sat on a nearby tree since it's my free time then out of nowhere two idiots jump out from a bush, arms crossed and one of them said "We have a lot to learn" "I agree with you Harith," Said the girl with a really weird hairstyle "Wait what are you guys talking about?" I said with a questioning look

Hariths POV
We explained to Harley what was going on apparently me and Lylia stalked Harley's stroll with Popol and yes we heard their conversation and saw their hug I was kinda jealous...wait what am I saying?! "You creepy dummies why would you spy on me!" Harley said while screaming crazy "Because...umm we want to?" Lylia awkwardly smiled towards Harley making the mage genius even mad "Ok enough you two" I said to cut their fight "Harley we will begin our training tomorrow I ensure you that once this training is done you will have the courage to confess to your senpai" Then I winked at him "I'm going to the training too to help you midget" Lylia said, "Oh come on!!!" Harley whined with disappointment "I believe that this is a start of a beautiful friendship" said as she smirked

End of Episode 2


Note: Hello it's your favorite cutie Diggie back with this new episode sorry if it's boring I ran out of idea anyway take care people byeee!!!

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