Chapter 4

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I felt the sun on my eyes. I groaned from the feeling of warmth of the sun on my skin.

I slowly flutter my eyes open and then shut them again. Damn sun always ruining my day.

I sighed as I remembered my dream. There's a part of it that was true and that was all my past in it and the team 7 but the parts that weren't true was when we finally got along.

Naruto isn't my friend, Sasuke never blushed towards me and Kakashi was the same he just looked at me evenly but didn't want to be friends with me.

I got up and stretched. The one thing I did manage to do was knock out Naruto for 5 days and ended up apologizing because of Tsunade.

I also ended up becoming the number one person Sasuke wants to take down just because I wasn't offended by what he said behind my back.

I don't care about it anyways I love myself so why would I even been offended by his words.

I took another deep breath in and got ready for a shower.

After my morning routine I walked out of my house on to the streets.

I decided to go see Tsu. Walking down the road to the hokage tower. It was just my luck when I just had to run in to Sasuke.

"Hn watch were your going dumbass." Sasuke pushed passed my shoulder waiting for me to cry or something.

"Whatever." I spoke plainly as I rolled my eye's. He's clearly not the smartest person in the world now is he.

I was about to walk away when Sasuke grabbed my wrist forcing me to turn around.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked clearly irritated by his presence.

"That smart mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble one of these days." He glared at me.

"Does it look like I give a damn Sasuke. I don't fucking care if your little group of friends won't expect me." I gritted through my teeth pulling back my arm away from him.

"You'll start caring once you get more lonely and once that happens don't run to this group." He narrowed his eyes to mine before turning around and walking away.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. Why would I want to be friends with a cocky bastard?!

I knocked on the hokage's door.
Hearing a muffled come in I opened up the door and closed it.

"Oh hey Saku what are you here for?" Tsunade asked while getting up from her chair to give me a hug.

I hugged her back," Nothing really just got bored and wanted to talk to you." I smiled at her.

I partly lied to her because I didn't want to admit it that I was lonely and plus I wanted to prove that bastard wrong.

Tsunade pulled back and gave me a stern look.

"Are they giving you a hard time?" She asked concerned filled in her voice. She had her hands on my shoulders looking into my eyes making sure I wouldn't lie.

Shallow {Unedited}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz