United: part one "Miranda and Landon" Chapter 6

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United: part one "Miranda and Landon" by Stephanie Anne

Chapter Six

            I was able to see slightly better as I made my way to the stairs. I did keep on hand on the wall so I knew where I was going. Once the water hit my face the tingle of the Wolvesbane was gone. I normally stayed in the shower for an hour because I loved the feeling of the water and the smell of the soap. But this time I purposely only stayed in for ten minutes. I wanted to see Landon. Lucky me he was in my room when I walked in.

            “I wanted to give you a clean shirt,” He tossed the shirt in his hand over to me. I caught it with one hand and held my towel with the other. “And to let you know that I’m signing those papers tomorrow, then we can get out of here.”

            “That’s great,” I smiled and pulled the shirt over my towel before buttoning it up, making sure I was covered, then I dropped the towel to the floor. “Why don’t you sound happy?”

            “I am happy to get out of here. I’m not looking forward to using excuses to see you.” He was staring at the floor

            “Excuses?” I was confused

            “You know… ‘Just making sure you got home ok’ or ‘hey you took my shirt with you, can I have it back’. That kinda thing.”

            “You wont need excuses to come see me when we get back. We’re… whatever we are…”


            He sat on the bed resting his elbows on his knees. “If we were in the United I would say we are dating.”

            “So would I. But I know what you’re talking about,” I walked over to sit next to him “Are we really attracted to each other or is this just because of the circumstances?”

            “You mean if I had inherited a male wolf instead of you…” He looked me in the eyes, slowly reached out and took my hand into his.

            “Or if your father had a daughter instead of a son, if something else was different… would we be feeling this?”

            “I hate dealing with ‘what if’s’,” He shook his head “Can we live in the now? Not in what could have happened?”

            “And we’ll see what happens when we get home.” I shrugged and half smiled. I was still worried about what would happen when we did get home.

            “Agreed,” He stood and walked to the door “Get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

            I woke up the next morning to a note from Landon on my pillow. It said that he was signing the papers and it shouldn’t take longer then an hour or so to do, I should expect him home soon. And right as I finished reading the note I heard noise at the front door. I smiled and went into the foyer, then opened the door. My smile disappeared when I saw who was on the other side.

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