"Pardon me for disturbing you and your..." I trail off, as I glance at the girl over Singhania's shoulder. "Lover," I complete. "Well, at least one of them. Please don't let us be a bother. My sister and I will get going now." Casting my gaze towards Sur, over my shoulder, I nod for her to follow me. 

"Who says you're a bother, Princess?" Singhania asks, as I begin to make my way past him. The look on his lady love's face surely proves that I am. 

"Let me give you some free advice, Simba." I say, halting in front of him. At once, Singhania's face falls, as his nickname rolls off the tip of my tongue. "Don't venture out with your date on the path that we took the other day. I heard that last night's storm knocked down a tree over there." 

"Your Grace." The lady-in-waiting finally acknowledges my presence, bowing before me. 

"You may take the evening off," I say, directing my attention towards her. "I'm sure Singhania will keep you busy." Glancing one last time towards the man in question, I continue on my way towards Father's chambers. 

"Oh, but you see," Singhania's voice calls out from behind me. The sound of his hasty footsteps fills my ears, as he hastily tries to catch up with Sur and I. "I'll be occupied elsewhere tonight." 

"Really?" I say, not the least bit interested in whatever he's got cooking in that useless mind of his. "How unfortunate." 

"Won't you ask what I'm up to?" Singhania questions, popping his head out from beside Sur. Frowning, I look past her and towards him. I swear to the heavens above that with this nuisance in my palace, I have no need for a court jester. 

"Let me think," I say, casting my gaze towards the ceiling. "Do I care? Hmm...No," I reply blatantly, pursing my lips. 

"I'd like to know." Sur chirps in, causing the leech's face to break out in a grin. Why in the world did she have to encourage him? 

"Great," Singhania exclaims, as if he has been awarded with a medal of honour. "So, Little One, you'd be happy to know that I'll be taking your sister out for a date tonight." At once my eyes snap towards Singhania. However, Sur's reaction is the polar opposite to mine; an excited squeal escaping her lips. 

"Most certainly not!" I exclaim, eyes wide in alarm. 

"Does your uptight sister have a fetish for playing hard to get?" Singhania asks Sur, making my hands ball up into fists at my sides. 

"Um...I'm unsure about that," Sur says. "What I do know is, she is a tough cookie to crack." Dramatically, Singhania plasters mock realization on his face. 

"Of course she is," he mumbles, staring straight into my eyes. A shiver runs down my spine as I meet his gaze head-on. "Diamonds don't sell themselves short, Little One, and rightly so." Is Singhania trying to flirt with me again? At least now I know that I'm not the only receiver of this behavior, and so there's nothing to feel special about. 

"So I'll see you at eight?" Singhania asks, his eyes sparkling with the glint of mischief that I so do despise. 

"Most definitely not," I announce with utter conviction. For all I care, he can go on a solo date. However, he is most certainly not getting one with me. 

"I'll find you." Singhania says, overconfidence oozing from his voice. 

"You can sure as hell try to," I scoff, rolling my eyes. 

"Is that a challenge, Princess?" Throwing his right arm in front of me, Singhania blocks my pathway. 

"Get out of my way." I spit through gritted teeth, only to find my words having the opposite effect. Instead of getting rid of the leech, I find him positioned right in front of me. 

"Are you challenging me, Princess?" Singhania repeats, cocking an eyebrow at me, his lips turning upwards in a smirk. Folding my arms in front of my chest, I stare him straight in the eyes. 

"I'm sure you're more than used to getting your way," I say. "However, I'm not a prize that can be acquired, by winning some stupid, one-sided challenge. I'm a princess, who's most certainly not interested in a good-for-nothing, like yourself. Now get out of my way, and go dream about your sick fantasies elsewhere." Tilting his head to the side ever so slightly, Singhania steps aside. 

"Your wish is my command, Princess." He says, gesturing with his arm for me to go on. "But before you go." Bending down, Singhania places his lips directly against my ear. "I'll find you," he whispers. "Wherever you are." Wincing, I jerk away from him. 

"You can sure as hell try," I snap. Grabbing hold of Sur's hand, I pull her behind me, as I march down the hallway. Once I'm sure we are out of that rotten Singhania's presence, I halt and let go of Sur. 

"Heavens, Arohi." Sur cries out, massaging her now pure white hand. "If you ever wish to torture a prisoner of war, just grab his hand and he will swear to never so much as bat an eyelid in our kingdom's direction." 

"I'm sorry," I mumble, distracted by Singhania's words, and the sensations that he so easily manages to evoke inside me. 

"By the way," Sur begins, and I know exactly what's in store for me. "The King of Naiq is totally a goner for you!" She lets out an earsplitting squeal, causing me to wince. 

"Hush," I chide Sur, as she grabs my arm and begins to jump up and down, like an excited spring. "Nothing of the sort." 

"Yes, yes, yes," my sister argues. If only she could see the clownish grin on her face. "The most eligible bachelor - the King of Naiq - behind who thousands of girls are running after, he's a fool for my sister." Another shrill shriek escapes from Sur's lips. "Teach me, O Wise One." Rolling my eyes, I shake my head at my sister's foolishness. 

From what I saw today, Singhania merely likes to play around with girls, like the strings of a violin. He has no interest in me, whatsoever, much less any other girl. However, he may be able to attain them all, and proudly brag about his conquests, but I will most definitely not be one of them. Try as hard as he may, I can see through the facade that Singhania projects, and that's my greatest strength.

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