“I’m impressed. My Dad would have been too.” Geoff whispered.

“Thanks, you can explain your full awe later, in detail.” I grinned.

Looking round the tree I was crouched behind I scanned the road, car and trees around it. Still no movement. I decided we were ok.

“I think we’re good, let’s go back to the others. Quietly.”

We jogged through the woods slowly and carefully in complete silence. The others were shocked when we came out of the trees, panting for breath and sweating like pigs.

“What’s going on?” Zak asked, immediately on the alert.

“It’s an ambush.” I breathed out. “There’s a car about ten minutes up the road. Freshly moved but set up to look like it’s abandoned. Badly.”

“There might be some sort of trip wire or something.” Geoff said. “To let them know there’s someone here. I remember my Dad talking about stuff like this when I was little.” Geoff, ladies and gentlemen, our military go to guy.

“Nice kids stories.” Kitty commented. I nodded in agreement.

“You go look for that Geoff. Jane move the pick up so it’s parallel with the fallen tree. Mike, I need the van parallel to the pick-up, I need about a four foot gap between them. Get Andy into the car behind it. Kitty, you’re going to have to go back there too.”

“I know I know, I’m a liability right now.” She sighed and hobbled off to try help move Andy.

“I’ve found one!” Geoff called. “It’s a miracle we didn’t trip it on our way along the road.”

“Right, here’s the plan.” I declared.


“Luke, how much longer?” I asked.

“Two and a half minutes.” I nodded understanding and did one last check that we were completely hidden.

Luke, Sandy, myself, Geoff, Jane and Chris were all hidden in the woods ten feet away from the car we’d discovered.

So far I’d spotted five burly men all carrying large hunting rifles, milling around the back of the car.

Back at the fallen tree, Zak was about to spring the tripwire. This is when the plan gets a bit dodgy. We didn’t know if the ambushers would go to the fallen tree. We were pretty sure they’d wait for their victims to walk along the road, spot the car, and spring the trap. Our plan depended on them getting impatient and going down to the fallen tree. Once they’d passed us we’d wait a minute then follow them at a safe distance, still in the tree line, then when the fighting started we’d get them from all sides. We decided this was better than having us all at the fallen tree because this way they couldn’t flank us. We’d be surrounding them and closing in. Well, that’s the theory.

Right on time a buzzing sounded and the men jumped into action.

“Get ready guys.” I whispered.

All the men hid behind felled trees, some of them coming painfully close. They settled in to wait and so did we.


All my joints ached, we’d been crouched in the same position for hours and I didn’t know how much longer we could keep it up for. I knew Sandy wasn’t going to be able to stay still for much longer, the pain she was in was written all over her beautiful little face.

“They aint coming to us.” One of the men finally groaned as he stood up, stretching.

“I think you’re right. Well boys, looks like we is going down to them. Load up!” The men cheered and laughed cockily. Clearly they had done this before and expected to find us weak and defenceless.

How To Survive A Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now