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A little before the shot.


Harry was freaking the fuck out.

Louis had taken Niall and Harry couldn't go see what was happening because Louis had locked the door and Liam was also blocking it.

He could hear Louis' screams and Niall's whimpering. It was scaring the shit out of him. He didn't know what was going on behind that door and it was bugging him.

"Ugh Liam, just let me in!" Harry insisted angrily. "He could be hurting him."

Liam shook his head. "Knowing Louis he probably is, but why does it matter? He tried to escape and we almost got caught. Stop freaking out."

Harry groaned and continued to pace back and forth. He was biting his lip so hard it could draw blood and his curls could literally fall out by how hard he was tugging on them. "I-I can't let this happen, Louis...please" Harry murmured to himself, clenching his eyes shut. He couldn't live if Louis hurt his Niall.


Harry jumped, his eyes growing as wide as saucers. "Niall!" He paniced running to the door. He shoved Liam away and wiggled the knob. "NIALL!" Harry screamed as he kicked and punched at the door angrily.

Finally he'd had enough. He stepped back a few feet and rammed his shoudler into the door causing the wood to split and he slipped his hand through the opening and unlocked the door.

He barged in seeing Louis laughing and Niall shaking so badly, tears running down his flushed face.

He wasn't dead.

Louis was clutching his stomach, doubling over as he laughed. Harry's hands curled into fists and his jaw clenched.

"WHAT THE HELL?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" He screamed.

Louis turned to him trying to control his laughter. "What? I just shot the wall dumbass, calm your tits." He then turned to Niall. "Your's too princess" And he leaned in, planting a kiss on Niall's cheek, Niall shuddered as he did so.

And that's when Harry really snapped. He ran over, tackling Louis to the floor. He punched Louis square in the face, blood immediately gushing from the smaller boy's nose. "Don't you ever fucking do that again you hear me?! Leave Niall alone! He's my responsibility you twat!"

Louis only groaned in respone holding his nose. Harry stood up and grabbed Louis by the collar dragging him out the room. "Liam, get this asshole an icepack" And then he slammed the door, which really was no point since it was almost split in half.

Harry rested his forehead against the cool wood and sighed. Niall's quiet sobs made him turn to the blonde boy. "Niall...are you okay?"

Niall looked up at him with red eyes, his whole frame shaking so bad it looked like he was having a seizure. "Do I look okay?!" He snapped, crying afterwards.

Harry shuffled to his aid, kneeling down to him. "I'm so sorry, baby. I tried to get in, really, but the door was locked. Fuck, I-I'm so sorry I...I'm sorry" Harry rambled, his voice cracking a lot in the process.

"A-are you gonna cry?" Niall said looking through his wet eyelashes.

"God I hope not" Harry nervously laughed, but sniffled. He placed a hand on Niall's knee. "I'm so so so sorry that happened. I shouldn't have let Louis-and I...fuck this is, this is bad. He could've killed you and I..."

Niall couldn't place a hand on Harry's shoulder to comfort him so he did something that shocked both of them. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Harry's. Harry's breath caught in his throat and he couldn't take his eyes away from Niall lips.

He let out a shaky sigh before finally looking into Niall's eyes. "I-I'm really sorry. This is all my fault. I kidnapped you and I caused all this shit. You could be at home with your family and enjoying your life, but instead your here with three maniacs."

"Hey, you're not a maniac" Niall said.

"I'm not?" Harry raised a brow.

Niall nodded, "You're not. And I think that it was good you kidnapped me."

Harry was taken aback. "What? How?"

"Well if you didn't do what you did, I would be dead just like everyone else in that school. But you thought quick saved me" Niall muttered, his cheeks glowing red for some reason. He didn't know why Harry had such an affect on him, he just did.

"I guess you're right...but that won't really change anything. They're gonna kill you if you don't join us" Harry bit his lip.

Niall shook his head. "I can't. I don't do what you three do. Its horribly wrong."

Harry only nodded and leaned off Niall's forehead, both boys missing the warmth of each other, but they'll never admit that.

And with that, Harry walked out.

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