Ghost whisperer

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Zada was normal every day 17 year old girl. Well as normal, normal can get around here. By that I mean really, she had brown hair of an rather average shade, she was 5'4" pretty normal for her age. She goes to school about 5 days a week, she listens and obeys her parents most of the time, she has few close friends and a few distant friends, she's an only child and she like to sit on her front porch watching the cars and people go by, just watching... so from all I've told you she sound pretty normal, right? Well except maybe... the watching part but other then that normal. At frist glance you probably wouldn't notice anything... but that's where she gets you. You see Zada has a Secret and I'm that only one who knows it. Beside her of course. Sure she looks normal with her brown hair and her brown eyes... but those aren't what they actually look like. Their just hair dye and colored contact lenses. You ever wonder why if you ever ask Zada to go swimming she "politely" says no or she has something to do today? Yea yea you may think that she may have never learned to swim or she's just scared of water. Pfft! Yea right, the real reason is if she gets her hair wet the real color starts to show thought. You want to know what color that is? It's white, sure white's not such a big deal I mean like my grandma has white hair! So what's the big deal for a 17 year old to have it? Well to tell the truth nothing, nothing at all. Except when you see her eyes then it's a big deal. Why you ask Because her eyes are also white but her pupils that's, that's  what's nerve-wracking. Her pupils are red, not only red but the shape of a shulk. Ok not SO scary but what she can see with them can be. She sees... well she can see ghosts from long long ago walking up and down the street and everywhere. She can even talk with them and has made many of them her friends. Right. Now your saying what's so bad about a friend who has a bunch of ghosts as friends? Well if you do anything to upset her or hurt her even by accident they will find you and tear you apart! Why would they do that? Because she's not human she's- *sound of someone choking and then strained* SHE'S THE -- *sound of something or someone falling and footsteps, CLICK*

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