"What do you write?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Sometimes I write songs, but it's usually just small stories or poems."

"That's awesome," he says. "I've always wanted to write my own songs before."

"I could help you," I say.

He smiles, "I would love that."

We continue to walk down the sidewalks until we get to this huge metal art piece outside of a building. It's so big and it just has tons of pieces of metal stuck everywhere. It's really cool.

"What is this?" I ask while looking at all of it

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"What is this?" I ask while looking at all of it.

"This is called the MOCO," he says. "Someone made it and they put it outside of the art museum."

"It's magnificent," I say.

"This was the first thing we saw when we came to L.A. We all thought it was so cool."

"It's different," I say. "And I love different."

He smiles, "Come on. There is so much more." We start walking again. "So what's your favorite kind of food?"

"I love Mexican. You just can't go wrong with it," I say.

He chuckles, "You aren't wrong. Mexican is fire."

"Is it your favorite?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders, "Not my favorite. I love Chinese."

"Ew," I say. "That shit is so gross."

We both start laughing and he says, "Woah, I feel very offended."

"It's so gross. There is no way in hell that you can be human," I say.

He chuckles, "I don't think you are."

Nick stops next to this store and we both just look at it. "What is this?" I ask.

"You said you love to read and so do I. I come hear all the time to get books," he says. "They have the best in town and the place is so cool."

I smile and we walk inside the store. He was right, it's so cool. The way everything is set up is so awesome. It's way different than any book stores. I guess I just have to accept that everything in L.A is different. I'm okay with that though.

 I'm okay with that though

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"This is amazing," I say.

He smiles, "I know."

I continue to look around at all the books. I've read some of them, but there is so many that I've never even heard of. I could stay here for hours and hours.

"Pick out whatever you want," Nick says. "I'll get it for you."

"No," I say. "You don't have to do that. I'm just going to look."

He smiles, "I insist. Just get what you want."

"Alright," I say.

I start to go through so many books. If I tried to go through them all we would be here for days. Therefore I only go through a few rows briefly. I find this book called "Shiver." I've never heard of it before and it looks really cool. It's about werewolves, so it sounds interesting.

I walk over to Nick who is looking at more books. "I found something," I say.

He smiles and grabs the book from me. He reads the back and gives it back to me. "Damn, that looks good. You have to let me read it when you are done."


"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yes." He grabs the book and goes to the front desk. He pays for it and then hands me it. We walk out the door and we start walking again. "Thank you."

"No problem."

"So where to next?" I ask.

"I have one more place to show you," he says. "We could go to more places, but we would be here all day long and I know you are tired."

"Hey, don't blame me," I say chuckling. "You are just as tired."

He laughs, "Yes, yes I am."

We keep walking and then I see pink stars. We are at the Walk of Fame. I've always wanted to come look at this. It's so amazing to me.

"This is so cool," I say while looking at all of the stars. "I've always dreamed of looking at these."

He smiles, "This is honestly one of my favorite parts here."

"Why?" I ask as we keep on walking along the path of the stars.

"I don't know," he says. "It's just amazing to see all of the names of the people that are so talented."

I smile, "Do you wish to be on here?"

"I've always wanted that," he says. "When I was little I wanted to have my name on one, but now it doesn't really matter to me. I don't need to be put on a star to know that I'm talented at what I do."

Damn. That was good. He is so sweet and so passionate about singing and dancing. He knows his worth and I love that.

"You are right," I say. "You don't need a star."

He smiles, "We can head home now. I'll walk you home. Lead the way."

I chuckle and I start to walk in the direction of my house. He walks next to me. "Thank you for showing me around."

"Thank you for letting me take you," he says. I smile and then he says, "Maybe we can do it again. Do you want to go out for dinner on Friday night?"

"I would love that." I stop in front of my apartment building. "This is me."

He smiles, "I had fun today. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Nick."

I walk up to my apartment and Nick walks away back to wherever he lives. I shut my door and I rest my back against it.

That was so good. He is so sweet and I loved hanging out with him. He's not like other people and that makes me so happy. I'm really excited to find out where this shit goes. He makes me feel different.

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