My eyes widened. "Five?" That was more than I had expected.

"Mhmm," Kaito said. "Just got out of the library looking for them. It was a bit hard, but nothing I couldn't handle."

I nodded my head as my hands tightened around the straps of my backpack. Nothing he couldn't handle. Information on Justice-Core was slim to none. It was sheer luck that Yamamoto was able to find a book about forgotten heroes. While I could've asked some of the teachers about him, I was afraid they'd act like Mr. Elastic and would pity me.

If only we didn't have to do the assignment about him.

Despite who the assignment was about, there was one thing I knew for certain. I couldn't ask Mr. Elastic about him. The last time I tried asking questions about the man, he didn't seem to know or wouldn't answer. Something about that didn't seem right, and if I had to guess, he didn't want me to know what really happened to him, or something like that.

Then why would he bring up the murderer? If he could tell me that he was assassinated, then why not the name of the person who killed him? I had a gut feeling it was that woman from the library, but if that was true, then why not warn me?

"Hey, Tami-tan, everything alright?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Everything's fine." I quickly said as I snapped my head over at the orange-haired boy next to me. For a moment, I was so deep in thought I had forgotten that he was still walking beside me. Seeing that he was, it made me realize we were heading in the same direction. "Hey, you know you don't have to walk me home or anything. I'm fine on my own."

Kaito chuckled. "I know, but I wasn't walking you home. You live a block away from me."

My face flushed when he said that. Feeling my face get warm, I quickly looked down, hoping my short hair could hide my face.

"Sorry," I whispered. "I-I didn't know."

"Don't worry. I usually have to pick up my little sister from school, or my older sister would give me a ride, depending on her work schedule. I'd offer, but I usually see you with Sakura-chan afterwards, and, to be honest, I don't want to deal with her," Kaito explained.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I don't blame you. I didn't know that you had two sisters."

"Yep," Kaito answered before pausing for a moment. I looked around, realizing we were passing Oliver's school. We were only halfway until we made it home. To be honest, I wasn't sure what else I could talk about with him.

There was always the project? I thought. Just as long as we didn't talk about what happened earlier, I'd be fine.

I looked down at the sidewalk, noticing some sidewalk chalk that some kids must've drawn with earlier. A smile slipped onto my face as I remembered the days where I didn't have to worry much about what I had gone through earlier. A hero was simply just a job that seemed impossible, like becoming an actress or athlete of some sort.

Yet, here I was on my way to become a hero, robbing someone of their dream.

"Anyways," Kaito explained. "I'm sorry about earlier."

Sorry? I didn't lift my head, but I glanced at him sidewise. He wasn't even looking at me as his head turned away from me, looking at the street beside us.

Seeing that I didn't answer, he just kept talking. "I wish I could've done something better earlier in the library. I mean, Michi thought about teleporting you to safety. You even thought about saving Raiden without thinking twice about it. Me? I just used my Quirk when someone said something about it and got pretty reckless with it. Not to mention, I got caught. I don't want that to happen again. I just want to be a better hero."

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