"What were you thinking?" Michi hissed as we started to run towards the back of the library.

"She was going to k-kiss him," I told her. "And—and he could've died!"

Michi froze. "You didn't think about telling us that sooner?" she asked as she let go of my wrist.

Kaito shook his head in disagreement. "Technically, Tami did say that she didn't know if they would go unconscious or if they would die. Best to play it safe than not."

I smiled at Kaito, relieved that he was able to gather that much from what I had said earlier, despite seeming a bit distracted from it. Honestly, Michi was right in wondering what I was thinking. It was a horrible move to let these villains know there were more of us here. At the same time, I wasn't sure if I could sleep knowing I let a classmate die.

If her Quirk killed, I wasn't sure. Honestly, I didn't want to find out.

"Awe, who would've known there was a whole buncha wittle hero-wanna-bes?" I heard the woman cooed.

We turned around finding the two villains on the other side of the aisle we were standing in. I turned my head around, realizing for the first time that Michi and Kaito had successfully dragged me to the back part of the library. That meant there were windows behind us and bookshelves of books on either side of us.

There was no escape.

My head snapped over towards the man, noticing that his arms were shortening a bit he started to point them at us. I could feel the sweat pouring down my forehead as Kaito took a step in front of Michi and me, readying his fists.

"Make sure you weave some fun for me. I'm gonna wook for that book. No worries. I'll be back, so these kiddos can get a good nappy-poo," the woman said as she blew a kiss in our direction before turning around.

"A book?" I heard Michi whisper in surprise.

It was shocking. I looked down, noticing I was still clinging onto the book Yamamoto found in my left hand. Part of me was relieved I didn't lose it, but at the same time, the chance that this book was the one they wanted was slim to nothing. If it was, I'd make sure they wouldn't get it.

But why a book? Every single book in the U.A. library was one that could've been found anywhere else. There was not a single book here that couldn't have been found at a public library or somewhere else.

So, why come to U.A. to steal a simple book?

I clutched the book closer to my chest, holding it with both hands. As long as I had it, I could do my project. Not for my sake, but for Kaito's. While I could afford a bad grade, he couldn't. There was no way I was going to jeopardize his chances at being a hero just, so I could slip out.

The man in front of us didn't seem to care about what I had in my hands. Instead, he just pointed his arm at us and released a gooey substance that flung towards us. Kaito opened the palm of his hand the moment the goo was released, releasing his own Quirk. Light poured out of Kaito's hand, nearly blinding us.

While I couldn't see, I knew one thing: none of us got hit with goo.

Michi wrapped her arm around my shoulders before the three of us raced out, sprinting beside the man without him even noticing. When my vision started to clear up, I looked back, realizing the Meatball-like Quirk guy was grabbing the front of his face.

"And Sakura thinks my Quirk is useless," I heard Kaito comment from in front of me. "Light is bright, and you can lose your sight. Hey! That rhymed!"

"Now's not the time, Kaito. We've got to get out of here," Michi urged as she let go of my shoulders and started to run.

I quickly picked up the pace, but still fell short behind them. It wasn't that I was naturally short, but Michi had longer legs. Seeing her running in front of me, I realized she had a few inches on Kaito, who was about the same height as me. Since she had the longer stride, this was much easier for her.

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