"That is because you already have a way with words as it is, love," Edward confessed, continuing to smile at her, "It's a wonderful piece of work. And I'm not just saying that because I love you."

Nora quietly chuckled, finding amusement in what he had said.

    Edward turned on his side, pressing a kiss to Nora's back. He rolled onto his stomach, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips.

Nora turned on her back, laughing as they kissed each other passionately once more.


       In the courtyard, Arthur, who was now twenty-one, sparred with Thomas, who was now eighteen. Arthur swung at his younger brother numerous times and Thomas tried his best to dodge him, but it was clear Arthur was much better than him when it came to a sword. He always had been.

As their swords became deadlocked, Arthur lifted his foot and kicked Thomas in the stomach. Thomas fell backward, heading straight to the ground.

Lizbeth laughed as she watched, clapping her hands together. Thomas forced himself into a sitting position. He turned to look at Lizbeth, shooting her a glare.

"Well done, Arthur!" Edward praised his son as he walked over to him, clasping him on the shoulder.

Thomas rolled his eyes as he stood up, walking away to join their twelve-year-old brother George in practicing archery.

Edward smiled as he glanced around at all of his children. Grace, now sixteen, stood with the twins, who were now seven. He was proud of all of them, to say the least. Each of them was bound to make a difference in the world and he wasn't just saying that because they were his children. He knew it would happen.

Edward's smile became even wider as Nora walked over. He greeted her with a kiss before wrapping an arm around her. "My love," He greeted her and Nora smiled back at him.

"I heard about you giving Arthur's title as Earl of Richmond back to Henry Tudor and that you plan to allow him back to England," Nora informed Edward, but didn't seem angry with him, "Is this your way of saying he and our daughter may marry?"

Edward nodded, letting out a large sigh. "She's persistent, our daughter," He commented, causing them both to laugh, "A lot like her mother in that aspect."

Nora continued to smile, playfully rolling her eyes at his comment. It was true, though. There was a part of Nora and Edward in each of their children, which they were happy about. It would surely help them in the long run if their parents were to perish. If only they knew.


That night, instead of having dinner with his wife and his children with her, he had with Nora and their children. He had been doing it a lot lately and Nora felt as though she hadn't seen Edward spend one on one time with Elizabeth since their youngest daughter was born. 

Edward sat at the foot of the table with Nora sitting to his right while Lizbeth sat to his left.

Arthur was telling some story of what happened during the time he spent in France with Thomas while Lizbeth was making snide remarks because she didn't get to go. Arthur had snapped back, claiming that she didn't get to go because they knew she'd flee to Brittany to go see Henry, whom she was still writing letters to.

The group began to laugh at the remark, all but Nora, who felt uneasy and Lizbeth, who rolled her eyes.

After a brief moment of waiting, the servants entered, carrying Edward's prized "catch", something he had killed while hunting that same day. His children smiled, clapping as a way to praise their father.

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