Don't Get Ahead Of Yourself Kid

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Calm down Chrsitian, relax. My wolf tells me. I haven't eaten in two days and its getting to me. I need to eat something. Fast. I walk out of the room and see Shelby standing in front of Blakes door way. What the hell is she doing here? I speed walk down the hall way and grab Shelby by her arm and move her off to the side.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I bark at her feeling her skin slip through my finger tips. "Well, Chrsitian. How are you? I hope your not going to do anything funny today. Or I will have to take care of it myself." She slips out of my grip and heads downstairs.

Is she going to tell Blake about her being here? I wonder if Blake saw her? God I hope not, that would kill her inside. I go in front of Blakes door way and I am releived to see her alseep on her bed. I stand there for about ten minutes and watch her.

But then she starts to tussel around and she sits up. "Hey." I tell her quietly. I smile at her and she replies with a golden "Hi." I make my way toward her and sit down. "I see you haven't unpacked yet." I  joke with her loving how she smiles. What the hell are you saying? Stop being a sap just like your brother and taste her already! I try to ignore my wolf but he does have a point. It was a matter of time before Jayden does it, so why can't I beat him to it? Just one taste. 

When I come back to Blake she is on her knees with her hands on my shoulder. She is looking into my eyes, I have no control over it. I want her terribly, her blood smells so good already. I just need one taste and then thats it. No more human blood. Maybe.

My lips come so close to her neck, but then I stop. What the fuck am I doing? I can't bite her against her own will. Grant would kill me if he found out. But this is what Shelby wants for her daughter. Plus, I will be there for Blake when she changes. It will be a peice of cake for her. She will be fine. Right?

I peirce through her skin and taste the warm sensation and the sweetness she brings me. God, I can't stop. Why, she tastes so good. What am I doing? I need to stop. "Christian, your hurting me." She bellers in a quiet voice.

Oh no, this is the last thing I wanted to do to her. "Blake, look at me. This never happened, I'm sorry but you need to fall asleep and go back to bed. Okay?" I trans her. It wouldn't be the first time  did this, when she started crying about her Mom. I made her foget that because I seen how bad it hurt her inside. Shelby has to ruin everything. She is such a bitch. She falls back to sleep and I leave her bedroom scared to death of what might happen when she wakes up.

I walk back to my room wondering what will become of her when she is finally turned. I stumble into my bedroom to find Shelby laying on my bed. Fuck.

"What the hell do you want now?" I ask her moving around my room and shutting the door behind me. "Did you do it?" she asks me in a sly voice. What is her plan? "Maybe I did. But what does that have to do with you?" I ask curiously as to what her next move is.

"Well, now that you did that. That fuckin' wolf hunter can get off my ass." She smiles at me and I feel disgusted. "I don't get it." I ask her wanting to get more out of her before I throw her out of my room. "Oh Christian, so intringed into wanting more just like your mother. If she could only see you now. Well, the wolf hunter James wanted me since 1864, and not that Blake is beginning to turn, he won't want old Mamma bear, he will want the new cub who has more power than this old braud." She smiles a grim smile and i can't believe I helped her with this.

"You bitch, you never loved Blake did you? You were just using her to get that damn wolf hunter off you fuckin' ass!" I growl at her.

"Hey, in this game you have to worry about yourself and no one else."


"Whats going on Christian?" I ask him when we are finally alone. He drug me out of the living room and into the basement for what? To tell me a secret no one else can hear? God, why can't he just tell me straight forward? He looks at me with sad eyes, he goes for my hands but I shove him away.

"Just tell me what is going on." I tell him looking deep into his eyes wanting answers. "Please, don't hate me Blake. It would kill me if you did. I can understand if you do just please don't." He begs me and I don't know what to say. "Just tell me." I say sighing wanting to know.

"Blake your mom isn't who she says she is. She's not good. I mean, its your mother so you will believe her but please you just have to believe me." I look him over and his face is filled with pain still. Why? What else is he hiding? Is this what he thinks will get me so upset with him? "Christian I don't know what it is but you need to tell me. The truth." I tell him locking into his eyes. "Blake, I can't,I-I- just can't." He looks down at his hands and he grabs mine into his. "You would hate me." He tells me running his thumb up and down my tiny hands that fit perfectly into his.

"Oh, just tell her already. She can't hate you any more than she already does." I look up the stairs and find Mom at the top leaning against the frame. She knows? "Mom, just tell me please. I need tok know." I tell her begging. "No, I think Christian should tell you. It will make it more dramatic." She walks down the stairs all high and mighty. Why is she acting like this?

"Mom." I shake my head. I run Chrstians words through my head once more. She's not who you think she is Blake. Shes bad. Why is she bad? Has she always been bad? Then why has she been so nice to me? Yet she hasn't shed a tear since she arrived just a few minutes ago.

"Would someone just tell me whats going on. I'm tired of being in the dark all the time!" I scream getting angrier and angrier. I feel my face get hot and I rip my hands away from Chrstians hold and back up to the wall and cross my arms like a little kid that just got put in the corner for a time out.

"Blake, I changed you. Earlier today."  Chrsitian says immediately.

"What?" I ask one more time. "Hahah! He finally confeses!" My mom yells clapping her hands. But I tune her out and try to focus on Christian. "Christian. You didn't. Please, no." I don't know what else to say. Its a joke, it has to be. I mean, I can't. Can  I?

"Blake!" I hear my name yelled from upstairs. "Blake where are you?!" Its Grandma's voice. "Grandma I'm down here!" i yell to her.

"Oh for god sakes. Did you wake her up?" My Mom looks at Chrsitian and Christian shook his head. I escape the two and make my way up stairs.

Grandma lays on the floor huddled together. "Grandma are you okay?" I ask her running toward her and helping her up into a stool. "Oh I'm fine your mother is just having a coniption fit." She assures me. I look her over and she seems fine, not in any pain or anything what so ever.

"Grandma, what is going on?" I ask her wanting someone to be good and be on myside.

"Oh, Blake. Your mother has always been bad. She just wanted someone to be nice to and that was you. She never ment to hurt you if she did. This is just the way she has been all her life." She tells me and I can't believe what she is saying.

I have cried over my mothers death and now I am crying over her now. But why? Because she isn't the good person I thought she was. Or is it because I knew something had to be wrong and I was just so stupid to realize it.

Christian walks up the stairs and I wipe my tears so he doesn't see how weak I am.

"She's gone." Christian tells us knowing that she won't be back any time soon.

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