Chapter 12 Here I Go Again

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Since spending a night together, Reese and Zander were almost inseparable and once they were separated, they couldn't think about anything else but each other. Reese was less expressive about their relationship, but she showed her attraction nonetheless. A smile was painted on her face much more often. She knew such a lovey-dovey behavior from her parents, mostly during Valentine's day.

She sighed as if she was dreaming when she sat down in the Black Pearl's lab with a sweet smile on her face, humming Zander's song.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Cretacia noticed.

Reese blushed. "Yes, I suppose..."

Trias smiled. "It is great to see you two happy after everything you had to go through."

"It's so rewarding to spend time together after all that; it feels deserved." She turned to the couple. "Have you had to go through such trouble? I know that my parents have never mentioned if their relationship had any major flaws before I was born."

"All relationships have bumps along the way," Cretacia told her, leaning on Reese's shoulder, "our was mostly Trias' awkwardness."

"And a lot of misunderstandings caused by Cretacia's awkwardness as well," Trias added.

"And that Trias was pretty popular with girls at school."

"And that Cretacia was jealous of that."

The couple smiled at each other.

"You two sure are Rex's parents," Reese commented.

"Are you saying that our boy's the same with love?" Cretacia asked her excitedly.

Reese nodded. "Yes. At least from what I've seen. Since he was 10 he had a crush on Zoe, which she probably noticed, but never explored, same with Max. From some rumors I've heard from Zoe, I can claim that Rex unintentionally charmed a lot of girls in their class as well."

"You know him better than we do," Trias murmured sadly. Reese smiled grimly. "That doesn't mean anything. He still cares about you as much as he would if he spend all his life with you; he wouldn't do all that if he didn't." She traced her eyes away from him. "What matters to him is that he knows both of you and that he knows you didn't leave him. He's going to be happy to see you again once we fix the time machine, I'm sure of it."

"And I'm going to make him as many cookies as he can eat!" Cretacia chuckled happily.

Reese closed her eyes and smiled. "You don't have to worry about being bad parents just because you weren't given a proper chance to prove that isn't true. In my humble opinion, you are great and I'm glad to have you around in times of need." An arm wrapped around her neck and pulled her to the chair.

"You're like a daughter we've never had!"

"T-that's...n...nice, Cretacia......but...I can't...breathe..." Reese groaned and got herself free.


Trias smiled at Reese. "Did we just adopt you?" he joked.

"Looks like it." She was about to smile back, but her face suddenly turned pale and she covered her mouth. "E-excuse me..." She got up and rushed away.


Walking through the downtown by his brother's side, Zander was humming his song happily, thinking about his one and only angel.

"You seem really happy lately," Ed said.

"Of course I am!" Zander exclaimed, spreading his arms, looking up into the heavens, "I get to see and spend most of my time with the most beautiful woman in the world every single day. She's the reason why I wake up in the morning, she puts a smile on my face, she's the melody to my music!"

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