You fake laughter, fixating your eyes on a window beyond Erwin before continuing to talk. "It doesn't take a genius to figure out you don't want me here. Might as well have it written on your forehead." Smiling pleasantly, you turned your focus to your friend in the room and refocused. "But while I'm in town, I can at least talk to you eyebrows. What do you wanna know? I'll help you as much as I can." 

Erwin shook his head, smiling in a small way. "Thank you (Y/N), I appreciate your willingness to share. I've already told Levi about your and my history, as well as what we assumed after you went missing. From this point on, I want you to get used to him." 

"With all due respect, I was kind of hoping that I wouldn't be here for all that long..." 

"How do you mean that? You can't exactly-" 

"You know exactly what I mean Erwin. After I'm done helping you, I'm gonna leave. There's no point staying here. I'll do as much as I can to help you, because I love you like my own family, and I really did miss you out there, but I have no intention of living in the walls again." 

Levi snorted quietly, pulling all attention to himself. "You know, conspiring to leave the wall is technically a crime. With everything else you've done, you're signing your own death warrant." 

You smiled sweetly, closing your eyes so you wouldn't have to look at him. "Wow, you must be one kinky sadist Levi. You really seem to have a hardon for getting me the death penalty." 

You couldn't help but feel satisfied as his face flushed red. His mouth gaped open to respond, but Erwin cut him off before he could utter a word. "(Y/N) please. He has a point in some way. But before either of you do anything drastic, I wanted to hear your side of things. Both of us will hear your side before anything happens." 

Erwin seemed to shoot a Levi a severe look. To your surprise, that's all it took for Levi to take up the seat next to you, stubbornly looking past the window. You smiled cockily, trying not to brag. Looking at Erwin, you smiled more genuinely. "Fine. Just tell me the last thing you know about my whereabouts? You know, aside from my dying..." 

"As far as we know, you were reported to be eaten on your last mission. Your body was never recovered as you were eaten whole. Your horse returned, but all except a few excess blades were consumed with you. No insignia, no corpse, nothing." 

You processed for a moment, your face falling. "Yeah, I guess that seems about right. Whoever that guy was I saw in my last moments seemed way too frightened to try and swing back for me. I can't blame him for not turning back." 

"So you were swallowed whole? You said last moments..." Levi pushed. 

"I mean, yeah. The report can't be faulted for that. I was swallowed by a titan." Erwin seemed composed with this, but Levi's eyes widened oh so slightly. You smirked. 

"So how is it you're still alive then?" Erwin asked. 

"Well, I obviously didn't see as I was in its stomach, but right as I fell in the acid, accepting my fate as my skin burned, the titan fell. I assume someone sliced its nape, but by the time I was out of its mouth, the caravan was already gone. Everyone was retreating, and all I had was broken gear and dull blades." 

You placed your uniform on your lap as you continued on, moving your hands together and pulled on the tips of your gloves. "My hands suffered the most. When I was being swallowed, I was clawing my way up to avoid being eaten. Tore into its tongue to stay up. It ripped out one of my nails, clawing the way I did, but what ruined me was the steam." 

As you pulled off the gloves, you couldn't help but flicker between them to see their reactions. Putting the gloves across your laps, you held up your gnarled hands. The flesh was lumped and discolored, swollen around your joints. Red seemed to stain your skin deeply, crawling up your arms. It only seemed to stop completely halfway up your forearm. It seemed almost like leather thrown into a bonfire. 

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