Chapter 2- What's your darkest secret?

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11:30 pm- Ace

As we look up, sobs and screams were heard. The boys trying to hide the girls faces, as well as not looking themselves from the sinful crime committed to the girl's that had not done wrong in life. But only made the wrong choices. Surely that didn't deserve death though...right?

The group sick to their stomachs as they witness Amelia and Isabella's lifeless bodies pinned up against the ceiling with tiny droplets of blood, dripping, each drip with a sin they had committed in life. Now being paid for.

Ace realising they're just standing and looking at the curse that hit upon them, knew they had to get going.

Ace: "Guy's, we need to go now. Or that'll be us next." He says firmly.

Olivia: "Ace! Do you not care at all!? Our friend's are dead and the first thing you can think of is leaving." She says flapping his arms around, not knowing what to do.

Willow: "Ace is right, that'll be us next if we just stand here." Willow says as she gives Ace a sign of approval to be in charge.

Without second thought Ace and Willow start to push everyone out the door, some still looking at their now pale bodies. As they get downstairs, they go straight for the exit, Ace practically running.

Ace: "It's locked!" He shouts as he pulls on the door knobs, expecting they'll open eventually.

Everyone starts to look for an exit, but even the widows were all blocked off, making them wonder who could of done this as they went upstairs. Whilst everyone desperately looks for an exit, Ace can't help but notice Belle.

Belle: "They're dead...dead!" She says curling up in to a ball, rocking back and forth.

Adrian: "Sunshine, sunshine listen. Your hyperventilating. Look at me. Look at me please." He says trying to comfort her.

Belle look's up in to Adrian's hickory, jet black, poorly lit eyes. Yet she still felt safe within his eye's. Adrian notices her shaken hands, which he puts his veined, large hands over hers, whilst putting his head on to hers, whispering to her. His voice became her lifeline. And just in an instant she was calm again.

Nevaeh: "Nothing's opening!"

Just as Nevaeh finishes his sentence, the door's of the dining room where they originally planned to have a goodnight at opened. They all look at each other. Adrian has Belle behind him, Kai's arm slightly shielding Olivia, Willow and Mikey close together. Plucking up enough courage they all walk in to expect the worse.

Step after step. Creek after creek. They all made it in to the dining room. The doors slam behind them, making all their tiny hairs go up in fright.

Unanticipatedly, the speakers start up. Starting off rusty as they hadn't been used for aeons.

Maniac: "Hello everyone. Will you all please take a seat."

Looking around, they all realise they have no other choice. Everyone starts to slowly sit down all keeping eye contact, trying to connect with each other without their mouths. Afraid of what will become if caught.

Maniac: "Great! So there's a reason why I needed you guys all here today." They say with a demonic voice.

Do we answer back? I thought to myself.

Maniac: "The reason you're all here is because your my test subjects." They say in a slight excited voice.

Belle: "Test subjects?"

Maniac: "Your all are going to do a series of test for my amusement...Oh, I forgot, you will die."

As soon as the Maniac says that sentence the whole group gasp, not believing that this is real life right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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