Chapter 20 - Panic

Start from the beginning

"Literally nothing." I murmur and he chuckles. 

We step into the elevator and Friday greets him and I. It's kind of intimidating standing next to the Speedster. He's standing tall and confident, like nothing in this world could shoot him down.

(I walked myself into those last words...)

"Soooo... how come you have your suitcase with you?" He asks.

"O-oh... Well, I'm... I'm going to a conference with Mr. Stark for the weekend. So... umm... yeah..." I mumble and he snorts a laugh.

"Because that isn't suspicious. I don't wanna be that guy, but you know that Tony Stark doesn't just adopt any kid and make them his intern. It's like a mystery. A murder mystery... minus the murder." 

"I... uhh... I thought you adopted me..." I say awkwardly, trying to joke.

"You're right... Who does he think he is? Stealing my sweet cinnamon roll child." He says offended. My face turns even more red, which he notices. "Or... my sweet tomato child." He jokes.

At that moment, the elevator doors opens to the lab and, to be honest, I don't think I can move. Mr. Maximoff laughs at my inconvenience and lifts me up under my arms and puts me outside the elevator. 

"Tony! I accidentally broke your intern!" Mr. Maximoff suddenly yells out.

"You WhAt?!" We hear Mr. Stark yell from another room.

"So this is the moment I make my grand escape. Take care and don't die. Bye small human I adopted a couple of days ago!" Mr. Maximoff says. Then he's gone and in storms Mr. Stark, looking both angry and confused. The moment he sees me he narrows his eyes, searching the room for the Speedster. When he realizes Mr. Maximoff isn't here, he lets out a sigh and walks over to me. I feel like my legs have stopped working because I can't seem to move them. My face is still warm and I really have no clue what just happened.

"You gonna tell me what happened or are you just gonna stand there?" Mr. Stark asks, raising a curious eyebrow.

"You know... I don't... I don't think I would even be able to explain what happened..." I mutter and Mr. Stark barks a laugh.

"Well then. I see you're packed and ready to go. Though, I must admit. Your suitcase is awfully small." He comments and I start to get control over my legs again. I take small steps over to my desk, holding my suitcase tight in my hands and sit down.

"Well, since I don't have a lot of clothes, I don't have to pack as much. Win win I guess... no wait... is that a win win?" I mumble the last bit to myself and Mr. Stark chuckles.

"You're a very weird kid. You know that?"

"Thanks... should I...uhh... was that a compliment or an insult?" I ask and Mr. Stark just waves my question off and walks over to the elevator.

"Well, come on then. We gotta eat before we take the air. I scheduled the jet to go in about 1 to 2 hours." I stand up and walk over to him, still holding my suitcase. "Kid, leave the bags here, we'll get it when we head for the jet."

"O-oh... alright." I walk over to my desk and leave the suitcase and my backpack there, then I hurry to the elevator and we head up to the penthouse. When the doors open we hear yelling coming from, what I assume is, the living room. I've never been very fond of people yelling, it reminds me to much of May.

"PIETRO! GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER BACK! IT'S MY TURN TO PLAY!" Someone, who I assume is Mr. Barton, yells. 

"NO! YOU ALREADY PLAYED ENOUGH TIMES!" Mr. Maximoff yells back.

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