Update: Good News

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Hey My sexy Jalapeños,

I've been missing in action for a while now, and for that, I apologize. However, the dim fire that was once raging with stories has been ignited once more. All this to say, I'm finding the passion I once possessed for writing. Its a slow and torturous process— one that I would not wish on my greatest enemy. With all of that's going on in the world I decided to quit procrastinating, speed up my recovery, and publish my ideas once more. So for those who have commented, private messaged me, and the real OGs who even emailed me: I AM ALIVE AND BACK IN ACTION! I apologize from the bottom of my heart for my long sabbatical, but I am back and I am doing much better.

I have every intention of updating all of my works. This will not be done in any specific order, but will be uploaded within a week's time or a week and a couple of days :)

I've been suffering from a bad case of writer's block for a while now. With most of my stories 50% written out, I had decided to keep updating. However, this eventually backfired on me because I hated with a passion—EVERYTHING I HAD PUT. I wasn't satisfied with my work. I had begun writing for you guys instead of myself. Not to say you all don't matter to me because YOU GUYS MEAN A LOT TO ME! But I was putting my mental health and my joy on the back burner until I burned out. I could no longer keep uploading things that made me sick to my stomach and did not bring me joy. I couldn't do that to myself or to you guys. So I took a sabbatical. I wrote on the side a bit until I didn't write at all. The thought of creating universes and characters that all contained tiny pieces of me had come to a complete halt.

I struggled a lot to pick up my old journal, skim through all my wild ideas and put my laptop to use. But once I started, it felt like my writing was for me again. Like all the crazy ideas that I jotted down could come to life again. My styles changed since I haven't written in a while, but I plan to execute and polish it one chapter at a time.

I hope you guys are ready for all the twists and turns I have planned in upcoming chapters.

See you soon,


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