The Night Companion

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You were having dinner with your significant other. She was talking about how her day went but you were too busy trying to move the glass of beer with your mind, you start to notice as she was starting to speak louder for you to notice her talking, she started mentioning about rent and other commitments. Things that you refuse to talk about, especially on the dining table.

You are aware that this conversation will not have a full stop unless you put an end to it. You know you need to clear your mind, but not here. Not with her.

You stood up from the dining table while she was still ranting. You picked up your cigarette box and lighter before you left the house. Echoes of her voice became softer as you left the household.

"Phew." you whispered as you sighed. "Can't stand this any longer."

You went on a walk late into the night all around the city and along the harbour. Eventually, you found yourself on a bench facing the water and the first thing you did was lighting up your cigarette to clear your mind off.

As you were enjoying your cigarettes you stared at the sky, enticed by the beauty of the moon, wondering how could something so beautiful co-exist with the order and chaos in this world. You feel like it understands what it feels like to be human. You start to feel like the moon is your companion for the night, "someone" who is there for you, "someone" who accepts for who you are.

As you were done, you stood up and went back to your house. Lights are off, your significant other has already slept.

You sighed as you getting ready for another night on your couch.
The sun is up. You woke up late for work, you realised you forgot to turn your alarms on for the day, you knew you were going to be in big trouble.

"Shit!" you cursed while half awake. You rushed to work and your supervisor decided to lay you off from work as you are deemed "unfit" for their company.

"What now?" was the only thing in your mind while you drag yourself back a house that doesn't feel like a home anymore. More like an accommodation.

As you went back, you've been thinking about the rents that need to be paid, the diminishing relationship with your significant other and the other responsibilities that are placed upon your shoulders due to the consequences of your choices. You found yourself drowned in a pool of thoughts. You think about how every person is one choice away from everything changing and your entire life was hinged on the decision you made.

As time passes by and the night starts to come, you see the moon outside the window of your living room. You knew you had to go out and have a smoke, you start to feel "happier" as it feels like you are meeting "someone" who understands you.

You went back to the same spot yesterday. You start to smoke and wonder again, the moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It's always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it's a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and powerless, sometimes strong and full of light. The one thing that shines during the darkest hour. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.

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