☾Training Day☾

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☾ Character: Muhammad Avdol ☾


"Y/N, Wake up."

I wince in my sleep as I feel something nudge my shoulder. But I fell back asleep, not caring to see what or who it was.

"Y/N. Y/N Wake up."

The voice came back and I felt another nudge on my shoulder again. I groan hoping it'll go away as I drifted back to sleep again. But I then felt a harsh jab in my side.


I bolted upright and held my side as the jab gave me harsh tingles throughout my body. Yes, I was a little ticklish there. I looked at my tormentor and as my vision came into focus, I realized it was Avdol. His eyebrows were furrowed and his brown lips slightly open. Im guessing from calling my name from before. I sighed, rubbing my eyes with my free hand before I questioned him.

"What is it, Avdol? I thought it was rude to disrupt ones peace." I said, mocking him.

"Although that is true, this is an acception." He responded and pointed to my calender that I hung upon my wall.

I squinted and saw that it was Monday. Fuck. Its Training Day. I groan loudly and fall back on my bed, but something stopped me from completely falling. I opened my eyes and saw that Avdol was holding me.

"We go through this everyday, Y/N. You know this." He lectured.

I push him away and he fell with a thud. I looked over the bed and chuckled to myself.

"Yeah I know." I got out of bed and walked passed him and into the bathroom.

"Training Day doesnt mean bully the teacher y'know!" He yelled from my bedroom.

"It does for me!" I yelled back with a snicker.

As time passed, I dressed myself in my favorite excersize clothes. It was obvious that Avdol wasnt your average teacher. He was very old-fashioned with his teachings. Meditation. Healthy appetite. Things like that. But he always planned to work me pretty hard. Ever since I was saved from DIO by Jotaro and his friends, Avdol has been helping me control my stand and to understand its power. It was hard at first because I wasnt used to having power. I wasnt always like this. I met DIO one night after school from my late night tutor class, and I was easy prey. I tried to run and fight but that only made him stronger.

I traced over the scar that was placed in the middle of my hairline and my eyebrows furrowed. I hated the pain DIO caused me to go through. When I met Jotaro and his friends, I chose to throw away my life to stay with them and help them fight DIO. For I too, wanted my revenge.

As I made my way downstairs I saw Avdol and Polnareff fighting with their stands. It was interesting watching them. Like a epic battle scene in a movie. Fire rushed towards Polnareff but he quickly yielded his stand to distinguish it. A smile crept on my face as they counted this fight as a draw. Someone nudged me and I turned around to see Jotaro.

"Oh sorry~" I apologized, even though it wasnt my fault.

He looked at me then scoffed. "You like watching these bozos fight?"

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