Chapter 6: One Shot, Two Shot

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-Aron Benjamin-

I packed my stuff eagerly. I looked at the time which read 5:43. The boys were staying at the hut for the night so I decided to tag along. I got the usual essentials and made my way to the kitchen. I strolled over to the knife rack and pulled out a 12 inch blade knife. There was nothing special about it, but it would do the job for sure. I stuffed it in my bad and threw it over my shoulder.

"Well I'm off boys, wish me luck," I said as I exited my house. I threw my bag in the car and drove off. I ran the plan in my head over and over again. I was ready. I entered the hut and was greeted by the boys. I just had to wait until night.

~1:12 AM~

It's time. I grabbed my bag and pulled out the knife. Kenny was on the top bunk so I had to be extra careful. I put my rubber gloves on and my mask. I slowly made my way to the top and looked down on the blonde haired teenager. I sighed, "It's so sad that it has to be this way, but you and Kyle are getting in my way. You're going to ruin my plan!" I dragged the blade softly onto his cheek bone, making a small cut. He winced in his sleep and I smiled.

"I'm so sorry it had to be this way..." I lifted the knife over my head, "I'll see you in hell.." I shoved the knife into his chest and immediately put my hand over his mouth. His eyes shot open and let out a muffled scream. He kicked and crawled and tried to wake the others, but I just kept striking. Soon, he fell unconscious. The color in his eyes drained and his arms fell by his sides. I smiled in my succeeding. I looked at the bunk which was now covered in blood. There was silence.

I looked at the two boys to see they were still fast asleep. I crawled off the bunk to do my next action. I grabbed Kyle's hands and smeared the blood on them. I covered his shirt in it and left the knife next to the bunk. I looked it over and smiled at my art. This was perfect. I took my gloves and mask off and put them back in my bag. In order to make this look real, I had to leave. I grabbed a paper and pencil and wrote them a note. I put it on my pillow and made my exit.

-Kyle Broflovski-

I shot up from another dream. I put my hand to my head and felt something sticky and wet. I groaned and got up to go to the bathroom. I entered and was frightened by what I saw. In the mirror there was me, covered in blood. I shook my head and dove for the sink and turned on the water.

-Stan Marsh-

The sound of the sink running woke me up. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Kenny on the other side. I gasped at the sight. He was laying there, covered in blood. I couldn't believe this. I felt tears stroll down my cheeks and I began to softly cry. I checked my surroundings. Kyle wasn't in his bunk, and the bathroom door was shut but I could see the light shinning under it. I grabbed the gun from under my pillow and carefully jumped down.

I looked at Kyle's bunk and saw a bloody knife next to it. His sheets were also bloody. I looked to see if Aron was there and there was nothing but a note on his pillow. I picked it up and read it over.

'Hello boys, I just wanna say that my mom texted me. Something happened and I had to go. I'll see you boys tomorrow. Cheerio!'

I crumbled the note and made my way to the bathroom door. I held the gun up shakily and cocked it. I was shaking, but Kyle killed Kenny. I waited impatiently for the door to open.

-Kyle Broflovski-

I opened the bathroom door, still covered in blood. I was looking down and I didn't notice the gun pointed at me. I froze and held my hands up. I already knew what was going on.

"Stan...listen, listen to me close-" "YOU KILLED KENNY!!" Stan interrupted. I shook my head, "No I didn't! Stan I've been framed!" "Shut up!" Stan yelled. I couldn't move, I was too scared. I swallowed, "Stan I-" BANG

The ringing was back. I fell to the ground and coughed up blood. The voices came back and this was just like the dream. Stan dropped the gun in shock just like what he did in the dream

-Stan Marsh-

I couldn't believe I shot him. I felt the tears go down my cheeks as I sobbed. I fell to my knees and continued to sob into my hands. A soft groan made me stop. I looked over to the bunk and saw Kenny trying to sit up. I immediately got up and ran to his side. Grabbing his hand I looked at him solemnly.

"It's okay Kenny, you're gonna be okay," I hushed him. I threw his arms around my neck and got him to the floor. I ran to my phone and dialed 911. I went back to Kenny's side and held his hand tightly.

"911 what's your emergency?" a lady asked. "Yes I'd like to report a murder!" I said hurriedly and out of breath. I could hear her typing on the computer, "Okay who is the suspect?" I looked at Kyle. He was still struggling to catch his breath. He was choking on his own blood. "Hello?" "Yes sorry, um..Kyle Broflovski." I said swallowing the lump in my throat. I was trying not to cry over the phone.

"Okay and the victim?" she asked. "Kenneth McCormick," I said as my grip on his hand tightened. She asked me for the address and I gave it to her. We hung up and I bit my lip. "Don't worry Ken, they're on their way." I stood up to got to the closet. If I was going to save him, I needed to stop the blood. I'm surprised that he's not dead; maybe it's the curse still kicking. I grabbed a towel and ran back to Kenny. He groaned as I applied pressure to the wound. I took a medical class so I know a thing or two about treating wounds. I slipped his shirt off to get a better view at the wounds. There were so many dark, purple, bloody cuts. I cringed and I felt like I was going to vomit. I was not used to this.

Kenny reached his hand up and pointed to Kyle. He must have noticed him lying there. I felt pity, "I know Ken, but don't worry, we won't have to worry about him anymore." He shook his head, "" He started to shake more and I calmed him down. "Shh it's okay, we're gonna get you help."

A few moments later, they arrived. They put Kenny on a stretcher and Kyle in cuffs. When I looked at Kyle he mouthed 'it wasn't me'. I ignored him and talked to one of the officers. "So what happened, young man?" he asked. "I-I don't know, I woke up and saw Kenny was stabbed and Kyle was in the bathroom. I-I don't know why he would do this I just-" I stopped and sighed. "It's okay, we'll take care of this."

I ended up staying the night at my house. I couldn't believe what happened. I needed to go visit Kenny tomorrow, and try to talk to Kyle at the juvenile prison. I was so exhausted that I didn't even want to think about it. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

-Eric Cartman-

The lights turned on and I could barely look up. I was so dazed and weak, I couldn't say or do anything. Aron kneeled to my height and chuckled, "Not so tough now, huh?" I smiled and chuckled, still looking at the ground. "Go to hell..." I said. He stood up and slapped me. I groaned and shook my head. "Your little friend was fun to kill. He went to the hospital and Kyle is in juvenile detention."

I had no reaction. I felt upset obviously, but I couldn't show it. He sighed and left me alone. It gave me time to think. What will I do now? Kenny's dead, Kyle's in prison, Stan's suffering, Bebe's fooled, and no one else has any information. I was devastated. There was no way I was going to make it out alive...

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