Short Story

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A Walk In The Park

Strolling through the tiny, crowded woodlands is usually a calming and safe walk. However, when it gets dark, who would take that same stroll? Well, the girl you're about to meet will. It's something she does daily, nothing new has become of it. Yet.

She slightly skips her way along the crooked foot path, the canopy of trees shading her from the rest of the world. She can only hear the slight sound of an owl hoot an eerie lullaby. The crickets sing along with the sound of her footsteps, the trees dance with her hair in the wind. She felt free. Almost as if it was her home, as if she was supposed to be here. 

She has begun to jog than just skip; she was coming towards her favorite spot. It doesn't look like much to the regular, dull, tiresome eye, but it is her haven. She smiles from cheek to cheek, her bench as old as time, still stands. Silently, she sneaks towards it.

She suddenly stops, a feeling of fear grows within her. A dark aroma surrounds her safe spot. She holds onto her necklace tightly, her grandmother gave her it as a gift, she felt a cold breeze edging her towards the unknown presence. She slowly paced her way curiously towards her bench, her heart a drum thumbing loudly and out of beat. Hands shaking tremendously, she was about to touch who ever was sitting on her bench until. 

"Hello!" A voice boomed from the shadow, it was deep and proper, like whoever was speaking to her believed she wasn't as exquisite as them. She couldn't reply, her voice box disappeared. "Lovely day, isn't it?" They asked. She still didn't know what to say. Fear took over her. 

"'s night." She said, her tongue tied itself into a knot. 

"Is it? Oh, I couldn't tell." She was confused by the persons words. It was pitch black, not a single star shone, only darkness engulfed this night. She peered at the unknown person. The shadows of the canopy successfully hid most of their features, however, she could see they had a very slim face with sharp features, they seemed well dressed however, she couldn't see much. She  only saw what the gloomy light from the lamp-post allowed her to see.  "I say! You don't talk much do you?" They added a comical twist on their words, trying to seem friendly."

"I should not speak to strangers" She replied quickly but confident. Hoping that this peculiar visitor will leave her alone.

"Well, we are not strangers. I have seen you walk this same route day in day out. Do ever get bored of this walk?" As it spoke, her breath hitched with fear.

The shadow now began to move past her and towards the footpath. Something inside of her, enticed her to move with him. 

"I don't know you." She replied quietly, her hood now hiding her face, she was looking down at the ground as the walked further.

"Oh, But You Will." The voice whispered. She looked up at the shadow.

Like dust, its presence vanished into a gust of wind. 

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