A celebration.

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Heya guys!! I'm glad to say that with everything going on I have a bunch of time on my hands. We started 'school enrichment' which is non-mandatory work that our teachers would like us to do. So I will be on my computer a lot more and will be able to write when I need a break. Also, some of my keys haven't bee working right (first it was h but right now its n) so if there are some missing letters (or really any other mistake) then let me know and I will fix it! Now without further ado, lets get to the story.

Virgil held the lighter up so it was level with his nose.  He racked his brain trying to remember the tune. It had been quite some time since he had heard it. He felt kind of stupid for continuing to do this year after year, but it gave him a sense of freedom and childhood almost. That's why Virgil smile when he remembered the tune. 

"Happy birthday to me.  Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me." He blew out the lighter and stuck it back in his pocket. 

"You know we could celebrate together?" Mattew pointed out. Virgil smiled and turned to his best friend.

"There's no reason to Matt."

"No reason? Your 25 now Virge! That's a big milestone!"

"And how would you know that?" Sharazard asked. Matthew turned to her with a smile.

"Maybe its because I'm smart, Shar."

"I seriously doubt that." She retorted. Virge chuckled.

"Seriously though, V. We should celebrate," James added. " the kids would love it."

The kids, Robert and Cody were currently in beginner's training with Deceit. 

"Aw, the kids! You cant take this away from the kids!" Matthew exclaimed. Virgil rolled his eyes at his friend. 

"Remember what it was like when you were first taken, V?" Kira asked from her bed. Virgil didn't answer, partly because he knew where this was going but also because Kira didn't really give him time. " A party would really take there mind off of everything."

"Do it for the kids Virge," Matthew said. Virgil sighed.

"Fine, fine you guys can throw me a party." Everyone cheered, even Remy who had been silent the entire time.

"Its gonna be epic!" Mattew cheered.

"Toates babes." Remy agreed. Virgil shook his head at his team with a smile. There was a knock on the door which got everyone silent.  Virgil, being the closest to the door, got up to answer it. A man slightly taller than Virgil stood at the door. He was wearing black ripped jeans and a sky blue t-shirt with red and white converse. His hair was ruffled in every direction but it had surprisingly fit his thin facial structure. 

"Drake!" Virgil exclaimed stepping aside slightly allowing the man to step in. Drake accepted is offer ruffling his hair as he walked in. The playful mood immediately returned to the room when their friend was revealed.

Drake was quite a bit older than the rest of the group. Drake was in his early 30's, he had a husband and a newborn son that he went home to every night. Despite being able to actually leave and do things and live a semi-normal life, Drake was in captivity as well. Deceit had been blackmailing Drake since right after him and his husband got married at the age of 23. He had helped Virgil, as well as everyone on the team, get through basic training by offering tips on how to control their powers, and how to survive in this hell hole.

"What brings you to the back of the hut?" Jeremy asked casually referring to the small room they were all sitting in.

"well, I came to say happy birthday to Virgil," Drake announced as he rubbed the top of the boy's head, who quickly slapped away the man's hand mumbling about his hair. "but to also call him into a meeting. Deceit has a job for you." Drake said turning to him. His face which held a smile and clear amusement was quickly replaced with seriousness.

"I guess his plan is going into full scale huh?" Kira mumbled dejectedly.

"I can't be sure, but it looks like it," Drake replied.

"What does this stupid plan have to do with any of us. What does he want so badly that he would resort to kidnapping children." Matthew exclaimed.

"I don't know, Matt, but we can't let him get it," Jeremy spoke up. Everyone nodded silently in agreement. 

"Well, kids. I'm afraid I can't do much with my family on the line, but I'll do my best to help." The group nodded to him with kind smiles. " But for now, let's get you to the meeting room. " Virgil nodded before waving to his teammates and walking out with Drake.

"Sorry you have to do a mission on your birthday, Virgil," Drake whispered. Now that they were out of the barracks, which had a sound charm(meaning nobody could hear what they were sounding from outside) Drake had to keep his voice down. Nobody really paid much attention to others in the hallway but you could never be too careful. "I tried to talk him out of it, let one of your teammates have a go, but Deceit insisted that you were the face of his plan and that any of the others would get captured. You know what to do if you do get captured right?" Virgil gave a quick wordless nod. 

The two men had passed Lilly, a woman the same age as Virgil. They had both been kidnapped by Deceit within the same week, Virgil 3 days before her. They had gone through training together for the first few years and became quite close. As kids, they often talked about how when they got stronger they would lead a rebellion against Deceit and then go off and live life together, not as romantic partners but as friends. They lived in the same barracks with each other until they were 17 when Virgil was given his team. The two nodded to each other with a smile as they continued walking.

"But don't go trying to get yourself caught. Deceit doesn't take lightly to any of his followers getting caught, especially the ones he's kidnapped. Thinks you might try to betray him." Virgil scoffed.

"I wonder why."

"Yeah, well. He's not the brightest one is he?" Virgil smiled shaking his head. The two continued chatting, changing to the topic of Virgil's upcoming birthday party. Drake was surprised Virgil had allowed it before he realized the children had been brought into it. Drake knew how much Virgil cared for these kids. It was nice for Virgil to talk to Drake. He hasn't gotten to see him much since Deceit had brought in another group of kids, for Drake is in charge of observing their growth in the first stages. And when Drake does have the time, he normally spends it with his husband and son. Not that Virgil could blame him. If he had a family he would love to spend as much time with them as he could. 

"Well," Drake said clasping Virgil's shoulder. "Wish you luck." Drake murmured as they walked up to the wooden door. Virgil mumbled a quick thanks and flashed a smile to Drake before taking a deep breath swallowing his anxiety and walking into the room.

Deceit sat upon his throne-like swivel chair (which was extremely threatening, Matthew pointed out) He spun around in the chair so he was facing Virgil his fingertips pressed firmly together.


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