He surprises you

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As you slip your earrings and necklace on admiring your hair. You hear a knock on the door. You look over and open it. No one us there but there is a box sitting on the boot step. You smile picking up the red and white striped box and taking it in.

"What Is it?" Your mum asks.

"I don't know yet." You reply when you open it you smile. You favourite snack was sitting on the side along with your favourite soda. You smile even wider seeing a note. You see through it seeing your phone that John had taken at the beginning of the day so you guys couldn't talk because that ruins everything according to him and your sister. You pick up the note and smile as you read it.

"I can't spend that much time without talking to you ☺."you smile turning your phone on and seeing Thomas had filled your phone with sweet and loving things.


"Delivery for soon to be Mrs. Shelby" Michael says holding a gold envelope. You smile taking it from him and reading it our loud with Michael still in the room.

"Dear Y/N,
I hope you still want to get married. I am so excited to see you  in your dress and just see your face and those beautiful eyes that I miss so much. My world revolves around you and I wouldn't want it any other way. I'll do anything for you. I'll go to the moon or Mars,anything for my love. I wake up thinking about you and go to bed thinking about you and j love that there isn't one minute of the day that I don't think about you and want to be with you. That is why I want to marry you. I can't imagine where I would be without you for you changed my life in so many good ways that I'm excited to say I Do.

You can6help but blush and start to write your own letter back to him.


You slip into your dress but stop when Tommy is standing at your door holding a small box. Your curve in your eyebrow and take it.

" Mr. Shelby wanted me to give you that he said it was important."he smiles.

"Thank you Tom."you smile opening up the box and gasp when you see a note and a necklace that was just extravagant. It was gold with silver and white mixed into it. It was thick and bulky but you loved it. You opened up the note that made it even more special.

"This was my great grandmother when she got married and I knew it would look perfect on you,I hope you love and will wear it,I'll see you soon love you,Arthur."you smile as you take it out of the box and put it around your neck with help from Nicola. You smile admiring it in the mirror.


You take a brink of your pop sitting down on the couch in your room. A knock on the door stops you. You get up and open it. Isaiah stands there with a lavender box in hand. You smile as he hands it to you.

"For you."he smiles. You giggle turning around as he leaves and the girls all look surprised.

"What is it?"your mum asks.

"J don't know."you say setting on the tanke and opening it. Your smile gets wider as you see a single walkie talkie and a note.

" from your Prince charming."is all that it said.

"Cinderella?" A voice asks over the walkie talkie. You smile picking it up from the box and speaking into it.

"Cinderella is here. Prince Charming?" You ask. You know he is smiling

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