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[Cover art again by moi :).]


Varian found himself back in his lab. He was surrounded by some kind of fog, but he couldn't tell if it was from an explosion he caused or...

Something else. Varian had never wanted to believe in magic, but after what just happened... denying its existence had become a little bit harder for him. 

Varian's head started throbbing when he thought back at the fight with Cass. She had... changed. It reminded him of himself, and that was terrifying.

Fragments of their conversation came flooding back into his mind, though he concentrated every fibre of his body on drowning them out. He knew how her words had hurt him. He didn't want to hear them again.

"They only care about themselves."

Varian peered outside the window to look out on the street. There, the villagers were peacefully minding their own business. Content, and happy.

He knew that once the "dangerous alchemist" stepped outside, their demeanour would instantly turn suspicious and hostile. They didn't even bother trying to hide it. That's why Varian stayed in here. 

He loved feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin, but he couldn't bear the condemning looks that seemed to bore straight into his soul, telling him one thing:

You're not wanted here. 

He turned away from the window, only to come face to face with his dad.

Quirin sighed and looked him up and down. "Son, how many times must I tell you this? I know you have good intentions, but alchemy is never going to do any good to this village."

"But, dad, I can-"

"I don't want to hear it, Varian."

His father walked away.

The voice (was it still Cassandra's? ) spoke again.

"Everyone left you."

Varian ran outside, to go after his dad. But when he opened the door...

The village was completely deserted. It was covered in black rocks, and most of the houses were completely destroyed.

Varian's heart stopped beating for a second. He knew this sight all too well. If he turned around now...

No. He was NOT going to fall apart again at the sight of his father, encased in the amber. Rapunzel said she'd help him.

Or did she? 

Varian's mind was clouded. He couldn't remember what Rapunzel had done. Had this happened before? He didn't know.

"Everyone left you."

"No" Varian muttered. He gripped the doorpost to steady himself when confusion and fear almost caused his legs to give out. "NO." He was going to trust Rapunzel.



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Betrayal and Trust Part II (different writer) - AU fanficWhere stories live. Discover now