The Allagmation Cultures of USA & India

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Pastor Will was a follower of Christ. He was married to his High School sweetheart Samantha. He lived on the outskirts of Texsas at a place called Blue Haven. Indeed this place was set up at the background of forest and a river unknown to many. It was a remote place surrounded by the beauty of nature. Roman was Will's Dad who helped Will with his spiritual journey. Will had 5 other brothers who assisted Roman their father in farming. His 2 sisters helped their mother Rebecca with the household work. This Christian family was well blessed with property and they always contributed their Chruch of Jesus and their community. The Churh was located at the border of Texas. Will was good at Gospel singing. He learnt Hebrew language at a very small age. Will got an offer to go to India to spread the word of God. Will, will accept this missionary or will he choose to remain in USA to help being a part of a mega Church. His sister Kayala was being molested by a Chruch teacher. This teacher Paul Bane was a Director of a choir. He molested Kayla for many years. It was a shocking incident for the Fellowship family.

Paul Bane was an emotional man seeking love from his parents. Even tough being successful he never got love from his family. His parents used to always fight. They were going through divorce. His brothers were settled in Europe. His Dad was a mayor of Blue Haven county. This had a major impact on Paul while growing up. He was a nice person and always wanted to be on top of everything. What he lacked was love from his family. Angel Stefan knows that Paul wants love. He plants seeds of evil on Paul's mind. When Kayla comes to Church along with Will and her family. Paul sets his eye on her beauty. He is dragged towards her. She is dying to be a part of the choir. Paul appreciates Kayla's voice and gives her goodies every Saturday and Sunday. Little does Kayla knows of his evil desire. He enacts many activities to be close with Kayla. She does not understand his sexual advances. Finally one rainy day when Will is helping his community's poor people with the Gospel of the Lord. Kayla is not at home from her practice. Paul does not want to do any harm to the Fellowship family and decides to go to a Prostitute area in Texsas. However while he is about to leave Church hears girl giggling with laughter near the locker room. It's raining heavily. There are dark clouds in the sky. Mother Rebecca asks Will's younger sister to call and check with the Chruch about whereabouts of Kayla, as Kayla is already late by an hour. That day Will decides to pick Kayla on her way. However Pastor Will being in the community service calls his brother to check on Kayla. All have left the Church accept the Choir girls. Kayla is the last one to lock the store room as her Senior had to leave early cause of flood in her area. Pastor Will's brother Christopher is stuck in the traffic. Paul Bane sees Kayla changing her clothes. Stefan fills Paul's mind with evil thoughts. He sees Kayla drenched in the rain and asks her to change in the locker room and tells her that he will drop her home. She goes to the locker room and has got spare clothes from the camping that happened a week ago on the mountain top. Paul follows her. She is unaware of Paul hiding and looking at her. She is unable to zip her back of the dress. Paul has an erection and has uncontrollable desire to hug her. He is in the room. She shrieks looking at him. He holds her from behind tightly. She is scared of the thunderstorm and pushes him aside. He pulls her towards her and opens her panty's. She shouts for help. He just wants to love her and not rape her. He just wants love. He knows even a slightest advances of his sexual act might cost him. His good thoughts tell him to leave the girl and evil thoughts tell him to rape her. However he tells her " Please hug me, I won't hurt you." He makes her sit on his lap and hugs her tightly and helps her wear her panties. She is embarrassed and walks out of the locker room. Her brother comes to pick her up. Paul is taken a back and is ashamed for what he has done. Kayla is just 15 years old and now understands his evil intentions. She is very quite on her way back home. She now understands that she was being molested since she was 13. However until today never understood his advances. Kayla is scared to go to the Church. Christopher is worried about his brother Will leaving the family. Kayla once again goes for the practice and has a lot of respect for the music Director. However the recent incident makes her scared of learning anything from this man. He calls Kayla aside along with a Church counselor and reveals everything to the Church. It's really a shocking incident for the Fellowship family. Rebecca is devastated. Roman is heartbroken. Paul hands himself over to the authorities. Questions are being raised about the Church. However the Church clearly says that before appointing they can only do background check however can't know from someone's mind about the future. Angel Stefan is satisfied that Paul is in jail. He was disappointed that Paul did not rape her. The good thoughts saved Paul even from a greater disaster. Kayla had forgiven Paul and was sorry for him. This made the entire Fellowship family proud of Kayla. It was during this time that Will decided to go on a mission. The Church had to undergo many sessions to teach children of the good and bad touch. Stefan was not happy with what was going on. He had planted evil deeds like Paul raping and murdering Kayla.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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