Chapter 12: Stand By You.

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A/N: Happy update!! I have two new fanfic ideas, and I'm very excited for them, but if you love this fanfiction you should get excited for my new one called Cherry... Bout to be LIT.


    They said I had to wait twenty four hours to walk, and it was genuinely the most irritating thing. After the night gas wore off and I was more so myself all I wanted was to be near them. Which I got that time, I got to be with my kids, but they have to sleep together, sleep under more warmth than normal babies because they came early. The nurse said that we got lucky with them, that there's normally complications of some sort, but Garrison and Grace are close to perfect.Since holding them... Since being here it feels like life has come full circle. The weeks leading up to this were tough. It was hard to find light in the dark, and it was even harder to just stay happy, but everything changed the moment I held Garrison in my grasp, and Grace too. Both of them changed it all.

The warmest part of all of it was seeing Harry with the two of them all day. The way he won't leave there side no matter what, but he won't leave mine either. He was already protective before, but now it's like he's an actual guard dog. Anthony is also the sweetest. He's calling himself Auntie Anthony. My mom adores them as well. Keeps telling me that Grace looks like him more so than me.

    "Where's Harry?" My mom asks, coming back into the room as I sit up in the hospital bed.

    "He had to take a call." I tell her, Garrison in my arms, and Grace asleep in Anthony's.

    "I'm surprised he left the three of you.." She chuckles to herself and I smile.

    "It was important apparently, but every few minutes, just like clockwork he passes by the door, looking in." I tell her, as I watch Garrison's bright eyes look around. He's the sweetest thing, truly he is. "Do you hear that? Daddy's on a call..." I baby talk to him as he looks at me.

    "Have you thought of a nickname yet? I'm guessing you ain't gonna call him Garrison all the time..." My mom sits on the side of the bed, looking at him just as I am.

    "I have actually.. I was thinking-" I start, and Harry walks in.

    "No thinking without me! I can't miss anything. Did they say their first words yet? Tell me everything since I walked out the door." He goes to Anthony, holding his hands out for his daughter, and Anthony passes her over as carefully as I can. She starts to stir, and Harry places her up, holding her against his chest as her soft cries start to come. "Sh, sh sh it's just me darling.." He mumbles, but she doesn't stop right away.

He starts walking around the room, bouncing as he does to give her that movement. "Here comes the sun do do do do, here comes the sun and I say, it's alright..." He sings so lightly it's almost hard to hear, but I watch him carefully, and Garrison's eyes do as well, looking at his dad. "Little darlin, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter." He sings, and her cries become none with time, her head resting again, and her eyes closing.

    "You're going to spoil her with that voice of yours, you know that right?" My mom speaks up, and she smirks, and lightly shrugs his shoulders.

    "She'll be spoiled more ways than that... both of them will." He mumbles, finally sitting down next to me.

    "You spoil my daughter like that?" She asks, and he stares at me, the same glowing look in his eyes he's had the past two days since we came to the hospital.

    "Every chance I get." He mumbles, and I smile. "What were you talking about when I walked in?" He asks, and his voice is lower now that Grace is asleep on his shoulder.

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