Time Skip (10:45am)

I didn't realize exactly how far this guy lived. I passed many stops and it was funny the looks I got for carrying an animatronic in the front seat. But oh well. Anyway, I finally made it to the house. At least the address he told me anyway and felt very.... uneasy. This neighborhood seemed lonely. His house looked like the only one that actually had somebody living in it. I pulled up to the curb and stepped out of the car.
"Lefty, you stay here, okay?"
He made no response other than a huff. I walked over to the front door, examining his yard. It seemed unkempt. Like he had better things to do inside. I knocked and waited. A few minutes and another knock, I man answered the door. He was middle aged and appeared... stressed. I would've said he looked like a zombie but he looked glum too.
"...You're Henry?"

"Yes. You're here for that repair right?"

"Yup! I got him in the car."

We both looked over and saw Lefty just still sitting there, painfully.

"...I had no other way to bring him here."

"Well, it works."

Time Skip (10:56am)

After I successfully got Lefty out of the car, Henry took him into his garage, seemingly unfazed that Lefty could just roam and understand. Maybe he made him that way, not sure. Lefty didn't seem to want to walk that much but he did anyway. Henry told me to stay outside like, why can't I stay with my friend? But it didn't matter, I stayed outside anyway. He closed his garage and went to work. Hopefully. I just stayed outside playing a game on my phone. About what... 20 minutes later? Henry stepped out, Lefty following suite. I put my phone away.

"So, how is he? Is he okay?"

"Yes he's fine. His voicebox seemed to be ruptured. I replaced it and he should be able to perform fine now."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

I then thought to myself, how can I repay this guy? Oh that's right!
But then the realization dawned on me that I didn't bring money.

"Crap, I forgot my wallet. I could drive back and go get i-"

Henry cut me off. Rude. "Oh no, no need. It was simple work. He should be fine to perform now."

"...Are you sure?"

"I'm positive kid." And he kinda smiled. Guess it didn't matter then? Oh well.

"C'mon Lefty-"
Lefty started walking towards the car, stiffly. As an animatronic should move.

"You really talk to him just like a person?" Henry asked. I looked at him, a little odd.
"....Well yeah, he seems to understand me. He can think for himself right? Anyway, thank you again Henry."
"No problem kid." He retreated into his garage this time, seemingly more happy.

I helped Lefty back into the car and drove back into the restaurant. I was now starting to really wonder about Lefty's eye. Can he actually see out of it? I don't think he could. Everytime he looked left, he turned his head instead. Henry didn't fix it? After I stepped out, I went around and opened the passenger door. "Alright, come on out."
He didn't budge. "Lefty, come on now."
He still wouldn't budge. He only huffed in response.
"....Do you not want to go back inside?"
A silent moment later and he did the unexpected. His jaw kind of hung a little open.

I stared at him, unsure on what to do. I tried to remain calm but my heart raced. He spoke! Lefty spoke! His voice sounded that almost like a human being. Slightly gruff, deep. I mean, he sounded like a regular guy. I tried to contain my excitement while replying.

"..Well, why?"
"...Don't want to."
He was a little slow with words. But he is speaking. I had no idea his programming allowed him to speak freely. Henry is a legend.

"...Well I can't really take you back home... I mean I can but... it's... not normal to just bring a robot from my restaurant home. Besides, you have to go back sometime. It's your job."
Heartless as it seemed to be, it was true. He's an animatronic for kids.

"You shouldn't have opened it. The building is.. trouble."

"Lefty, what are you saying?"

"...Bad will happen. I know it."

I could only stare at him, trying to make sense of his words. I know there's animatronics in the vents but.... okay yeah, I shouldn't blow that off. They could hurt somebody. I thought real hard and kept staring at him. He made no movement besides still staring ahead and closing his jaw. I mean, when it comes to a bear who refuses to get out of your car, what else can you do?

"...Okay. Alright, okay fine. You can come home with me. But I still can't have you just roaming around okay? It's not normal for an animatronic to just... you know be walking around. You'll scare people."
He made no reply and I sighed and got back into the driver's seat. As I started driving I realized I never properly introduced myself. Or not while he was alive anyway.
"Uh by the way. My name is Y/N."

"Y/N. Y/N."

"Yeah, that's it."
He seemed to repeat a few more times quietly. Maybe trying to memorize it.

Looks like my new friend is going to be staying with me the night. Nice. A sleepover, sounds fun actually. That is, if he doesn't murder me.

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