▪•▪•[ Yandere! luz x Reader Part 1 ]•▪•▪

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Me and Lon were just walking on the streets in Tokyo. I was supposed to buy a cake for Kuroneko's birthday today. Lon saw me and tagged with me since she got nothing much to do anyways. We never expected any disturbance until something on the news flashed.

"Today, we've found a man stabbed in the chest by an unknown person. We haven't looked much but this man is clearly a famous person" My heart skipped a beat. People watching the news was terrified by the sudden murder.

"We got a report that his part of a popular unit called UraShimaSakataSen. . . Shima is his name. . ." A tear fell out in my eye. I've never heard any news about Shima the past 2 days. I always assumed that Japan was a safe country but with a murderer lurking around, I don't feel safe anymore. Lon clenched her fists and shouted.

"WHO THE HELL WOULD DO THAT!?!" The crowd suddenly stared at her. Frightened by the sudden attention,  she hid behind me. But her anger was still seeping out from her. I wanted to check up on Urata, Sakata, and Senra. I told Lon that I'm going to check up on them, she let me go knowing that I really needed to visit them.
While walking towards the train station,  I saw Naruse panicking. I called out his name, he noticed and ran up to me.

"Did you hear the news?!"

"I know. . ."

"You're gonna visit too, aren't you?" I asked the brunet.

"Yeah. . ."

"We better get going, we don't wanna miss the train"

"Right!" We hurriedly ran towards the station and ordered tickets. Our ride was 30 minutes from here so it shouldn't take that long. I feel like someone was watching us which made me shiver. Naruse noticed this and asked if I was cold. I replied that it wasn't the cold bothering me. I told him that I have a bad feeling in my stomach that wouldn't disappear. He agreed, eversince the incident we both felt paranoid.

"We have now arrived in ________" We quickly stepped out of the train, of course we still have manners. We were really worried about them. We arrived at the studio. Senra was crying, Urata was trying his best not to, Sakata was depressed. Yamadanuki has it's head down with sadness written all over its face. Mafu was wailing, Soraru was also trying his best not to cry. Everyone was sersiously damaged by their friend's sudden death. My tears were threatening to spill out, Naruse went over to say his condolences.

"We're sorry for your loss. . ." Naruse started to sob. 2 days ago was also the day when I last saw Shima. He invited me out to have dinner with him. I looked at the side, my face was full of sadness. I never really noticed it before but I just saw Luz grin for a bit before turning back to make a depressing face. I was about to ask him about it but I saw Urata glared at me before rushing up to punch me. Soraru quickly grabbed him by his waist.

"LET ME GO!" Urata shouted. Pain was evident on his voice.

"SHE WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED HIM! ! !" Many gasps were heard. Luz suddenly stood up and glared at him.

"How can you prove that she did it?" His tone was very threatening.  It was enough to make the room's atmosphere turn upside down.

"SHE WAS THE LAST ONE TO BE WITH HIM! ! !" Everyone flinched from the loud voice. Some were agreeing to Urata's statement.  I felt betrayed. I didn't even do anything to him that day.

"SHUT UP!!!" Luz pulled out a knife from his pocket. Naruse gasped in horror, he wasn't expecting this behaviour from him.

"What makes you think you can accuse my princess?" I was to scared to move. Soraru went up first and tried to fight him with a blade but only ended up getting injured. Mafu screamed, the staffs entered the room. Luz's grin widened as a crazy look appeared on his face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Once the staffs saw the knife at Luz's hands, they threatened him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. . . You think that would make me stop?!" He rushed to one of the staffs and stabbed him. Mafu and Amatsuki carried Soraru to the fire exit while Naruse carried me away from the building. We found a safe place to hide but we knew we have to move away from this hiding spot away as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry Y/N. . ." Urata apologised.

"It's okay" He still felt guilty. I was too scared to look at Luz nor talk to him again. I'm sure Mafu was traumatised from it.

"We've got Soraru all bandaged up" Amatsuki came out of the bed room with Anku trailing behind him.

"How is he feeling now?" Mafu asked. Amatsuki replied that Soraru should be awake in an hour. Everyon felt relieved. I felt bad, we were supposed to celebrate Kuroneko's birthday today with Lon but the sudden news cancelled everything.

"The staffs!" I cried out. Everybody widened their eyes in realisation.

"We left them alone in the studio!" Sakata panicked. We called the police for help.

"Hello, you've called 911. What's your emergency?"

"PLEASE HELP! Hikimaru studio is getting attacked by a friend of ours! He turned crazy!"

"We'll get there immediately" after the call ended, a knock was heard outside my door.

"Open up the door~ I know you're in there" a muffled voice was heard. Shoose hushed us quietly before opening the door to my backyard. We sneakily went out and head straight towards police station. Amatsuki and Urata went to talk to one of the police while the rest of us was still shock from the sudden change. Soraru started to stir up. Mafu's eyes widen, his hopes for his friend to be awake just encouraged him further.

Amatsuki and Urata came back with a police behind them.

"So this was your friend?" I almost chocked on my spit. WAS?! I got a bit offended even though it was the truth. I wanna go to the bathroom and puke. Naruse rubbed circles behind my back, hoping for me to calm down. We finished discussing our case and went o a nearby hotel. We didn't want to stay in our houses. Mafu was worried for his cats, Iroha and Potato.

"Why. . ." Was the only thing I said before going to sleep.

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