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It was a stormy and snowy evening, late into Leaf-bare, and Bluefur panted trudging through the snow. She was expecting kits, and they were coming soon. She just had to make it back to camp, she was almost there. Just a few more steps.
Bluefur let out an ear-piercing yowl as the contractions started once more, this time worse than ever. She knew that the kits were coming now, and they were not going to wait. She collapsed down into the soft, but cold snow and laid there, waiting for the first kit. 

Yellowfang, the RiverClan medicine cat had heard Bluefur's yowls and knew it must be time for the kits to come. She beckoned Fernpaw to follow her, and they reached Bluefur just as the first kit slid out. Yellowfang stopped Fernpaw and sat down a few feet away. "Let her do it on her own. It will be more natural. We only go over if she cannot physically do it herself." she told her apprentice. Fernpaw nodded and laid down next to her mentor. 
As Bluefur pushed the last kit out, Yellowfang beckoned Fernpaw to follow her and they approached the new mother. "How are you feeling Bluefur?" Fernpaw asked her, as she was taught to do, after a she-cat gave birth. "I am fine. I need help carrying my new little ones to the nursery." Bluefur told them as she finished cleaning the last kit. Yellowfang smiled and she and Fernpaw each took one, and Bluefur took the smallest one, the runt. 

Once the kits were settled into the nursery and Bluefur was comfortable, Yellowfang gave them a check up. "Congratulations Bluefur. You have two she-kits, and one tom-kits. Have you and Oakheart thought of names yet?" She asked the happy couple, as Oakheart settled down next to his mate. Oakheart smiled happily, and mewed, "We decided to name the tom, Stonekit, as he looks like the stone of the caves." He groomed the small tom-kit and looked at the larger she-kit. "We shall call her, Mistykit, for the mist of the rain the morning of Bluefur's pregnancy." Bluefur beamed happy, and nudged the smallest she-kit toward her. "Mosskit, she looks just like the moss that grows on the stone." 
Bluefur and Oakheart looked at their kits lovingly. Oakheart curled up protectively around them and licked Bluefur's ear affectionately. "Sleep my love, I will watch the kits as you sleep." Bluefur returned the affection by nustling in and slowly drifted off to sleep. 


UPDATE: Chapter 1 is out! Please read and vote!!

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