-1- The Murderer

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Copyright 2012. Charlotte June Baxter (Charlotte_Baxter)


Chapter 1

Staring outside my car window, staring at all the trees fastly disappearing, Banging back onto My seat groaning whilst rolling my eyes, I guess you can tell that I'm annoyed. "Cheer Up Kaysie." Mum smiled, "Yes, Today is your first day of high-school. We need you to be so cheerful!" My father agreed. I Forced a smiled, a great big grin, then I wiped it back off my face, then again landing back onto the back of my car seat. Minutes went by.... even hours too. But soon we arrived, Kennal-Blossom Academy. Staring at the huge building from my car window I slightly opened my mouth, "Kaysie." Mum said again, shaking my head I faced her, "Okay, Let's Get You Settled in!" Mum smiled, I again had the annoyed feeling and unbuckled my seat-belt.                                                                                                                                  I Slammed the car door shut as Dad un-reeled the car window, "Good Luck Sweetheart, Hon, I'll Wait For You." "Thanks Hon." Mum Smiled, "Thanks For The Luck. I'm sure I'll need it" I said narrowing my eyes, Dad reeled up the window and moved his car to the parking area, Mum took my hand and dragged me to the office, It was annoying listening to the clops of her heels from her shoes.





I finally stood myself Up and she opened the door to the office, A young blonde woman came to the desk with curly hair, "Hello" She smiled innocently, "How may I help you?" She asked, Mum pulled me up, "Well..." She coughed, "My Daughter, Kaysie Roadberk Is transferring to this school." Mum smiled at me, I growled at her and she steped away a bit, "Okay Mrs Roadberk." The lady said passing her a fourm, "Please Sign This Mam." The lady smiled, she looked at me, "Hello Kaysie." She smiled, "Hello Mam." I said trying to be nice, "I'm Natalie, head of this office, call me Natta if you need to" She smiled, "Yes Natalie." I coughed, Mum came back holding the signed fourm, she stepped on my foot as she passed it to Natalie, "Ouch!" I said rubbing my foot, "Yes Mrs Roadberk, the head of classes, Jason is going to test her." Natalie said slipping the fourm into a folder, "Test?" Mum said, "Yes, smartness test, to see wich class she'll be in." Natalie explained, "Oh I See," Mum said turning to face me, "Sweetie, Don't be dumb and loose." Mum said sighing, I shook with anger. "Yes Mother, I am well awear that if I fail I'll be put in the dumber classes. Thanks for reminding me" I said sarcastically, Mum narrowed her eyes as a tall native man walked in, "Hello Young Lady." He smiled, My eye twitched, "It's Kaysie..." I said trying not to loose my temper, "Well Call me Jason, Can You Come with me?" He asked, I Nodded following in behind Jason.

He sat me down, "Okay, Now what is in-front of you Kaysie?" He asked sitting a different way than me, "A Desk?" I asked confused, "Yes." He said throwing five math tests on the desk, "Do these." He said walking to a teacher's desk over in the corner of the room, My finger shook holding the pencil in a great grip, "Problem Kaysie?" He asked removing his head from looking at my fourm, "Ah, No Mr Jason." I said looking back at the sheets, He laughed slightly, "Ha ha, Good." he said facing my fourm again, I gulped and started writing my name on the sheets and doing them one by one. At around lunch time I finished. I walked over to Jason handing him my sheets, "Well done Kaysie." He said smiling at my work, "Here, Your mother dropped this in." He said passing me a taco, "Mum?" I asked, "She confirmed herself as Mrs Roadberk." He said, "Oh... Okay." I said Biting through the lettuce, meat and cheese also the tortilla, I took a swig of water ready for my next test, "Okay." He said passing me three english tests, "After these your good to go." Jason smiled, "Thanks." I said Taking the tests. Yet Again, writing my name on them and doing them one by one, I finished quicker because I'm good at english and there was only three tests. I Gave them to him smiling gladly, "I'm glad you've cheered up." He smiled taking my tests. I Blinked, "Did I Cheer up!?" I panicked blushing, He stamped my fourm,"Give this to Natalie." He said passing my fourm to me, I Walked out into the office, "Ah, How was it Kaysie?" Natalie asked, "Not bad" I Smiled passing my fourm to her, She smiled gladly at me, "Congrats Kaysie, You've been the smarts and is allowed to join Kennal-Blossom Academy" She smiled, I smirked snapping my fingers, Mum walked out of the bathroom grinning, She passed me a pair of keys, "Dorm sixteen." Natalie smiled, I Took the keys and jogged to the car outside, "How was it kiddo?" Dad asked, "Not Bad." I Smiled, "Great." He smirked opening the boot of the car, I got my stuff and ran to Dorm sixteen, Unlocked it and saw my three dorm-mates, Mum and Dad drove off before I stood inside the dorm.

"Hey" A Blonde girl said, "Hi, I'm Kaysie." I Said, "Nice Dark red Hair Kaysie." The Blonde said, "Uh, Thanks I Guess." I mumbled, "I'm Susie." A Girl with black hair came, "Hey Susie, Oh Hi!" She said looking at me, "Hey. Kaysie." I smirked, "Luna." She winked, then another blonde came, "Hey Girls! Oooh! New Dorm-mate!" She screamed, "Kaysie..." I said  "Hi, I'm Rosa! I like my name I can say it ten times fast! Rosa Rosa Rosa!" She smiled, "That Was Three Times...." I said, She looked around... "Err... Shut up." She said, "Follow me..." Luna whispered, I followed Luna as Susie tried to control Rosa, "Here's your King sized bed!" Luna said, "Woah, Who shares it with me?" I asked, Luna laughed, "Hah, Nobody!" She said laughing, I gasped and leaped onto the bed, Luna jumped ontop of me, then she started tickling me! "Hah, Ha Ha! Please..." I Said gasping for air in the middle of my laughs, "Stop!" I laughed, "Hah... Kay." Luna said sitting up, "Susie shares a bunk with Rosa and I take a single bed." She winked once more. "Cool." I said, I turned to Luna, "Hey Luna?" I asked, "Yep?" Luna said, I stared back at the roof, "Has anything weird happened in this school?" I asked, Luna narrowed her eyes, "Yes... Yes there has...." She sighed, "What?" I said facing her again, "Murders.... In Dorms... At Night." She said with her voice getting softer, "Who's the murderer?" I asked shivering, "Me, Susie and Rosa think Natalie, But she's way to kind, or just some weird stranger." She sighed. "N...Natalie!?" I shivered, "Uh, Yeah. But don't worry," Luna said, At that very moment a large gong rang, Susie walked in Holding Rosa, "Why Is Rosa's mouth sealed with tape?" Luna asked, "And why are her hands Tied!?" I Asked, "Quiet Rosa is better than noisy Rosa." Susie nodded, Me and Luna nodded in agreement.

They took me to a large dining room with A Really long table with around eighty chairs. We all sat and ate Lettuce with steak. The day was wonderful... But I Wonder about who the 'Murderer' Is....


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