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anonymous: hey lucy

lucykav: hey mystery boy

anonymous: i prefer the term "mystery man". it feels sexier that way

lucykav: to be fair, i don't even know if you're sexy at all.

anonymous: ouch!

anonymous: i was going to tell you that i thought you looked really good today, but you bruised my ego just now

lucykav: okay i'm not going to lie, it kind of freaks me out that you just know exactly who i am and what i look like but i don't even know your name.

anonymous: yeah i kinda figured

anonymous: well, what do you want to know? without asking my name or my full appearance

lucykav: do we have any classes together?

anonymous: yep

lucykav: are we friends?

anonymous: somewhat. more like acquaintances

lucykav: do we have any of the same friends?

anonymous: kind of. you're also just acquaintances with the only person we both talk to

lucykav: gosh okay, this isn't really helping :( what's the first letter of your name?

anonymous: not saying!

lucykav: last letter of your first name?

anonymous: is that really going to help you figure out who i am?

lucykav: it's worth a shot

anonymous: fine, it's "n"

lucykav: i definitely know who you are.

anonymous: what?? really?

anonymous: gee, this is awkward

lucykav: no not really wtf

lucykav: i wish though. you seem great.

anonymous: we can still keep talking! i just can't exactly tell you who i am yet

lucykav: like i said, i'll be patient. even if it's hard.

lucykav: can you at least tell me a bit more about yourself?

anonymous: hmm. well i have brown hair. i have a brother and a sister. one of them goes to our school as well, but we're not very close... i love sports and i might play on a team or two but i wont tell you which

anonymous: i come off as confident in person but i'm actually really shy. i like the colour green and my favourite food is pizza. i want to be famous one day, but i'm really bad at singing and acting so i don't know exactly what i want to be famous for.

anonymous: how's that for a start?

lucykav: pretty great actually... i feel like i know you a lot better, even if i don't know your name

anonymous: you know my name

anonymous: you just don't know that i'm the one sending you things

lucykav: yeah.

lucykav: i know you're not ready to tell me yet, but i guess it's just nice to have someone who tells me all these sweet things without expecting something from me. not that that's the only reason i like talking to you... but still.

lucykav: you made a point to mention that you're not very close with your sibling who also goes to the school. can i ask why?

anonymous: well, we used to be growing up. my sibling and i were best friends actually, practically joined at the hip. but i don't know, they turned into someone who i don't really like

anonymous: i can't say much more without saying too much.

lucykav: well i'm very sorry to hear that. i'm close with my little sister and i can't imagine how it feels to suddenly not be

anonymous: it's okay. it's sad, but there's nothing i can do

anonymous: i just try every day to make sure i don't turn out the same way, as bad as it sounds

lucykav: well i don't know your brother or sister because i don't know you, but i can say with certainty that you're a great person... amazing, actually.

lucykav: see you in one of my classes tomorrow, anon. :)

anonymous: sweet dreams, luce.

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