She raised her arms and gently lifted the helmet off of him, placing it on the floor so it would be easy to find later.

"What are you doing, Lottie?" Sebastian asked, his voice getting slightly husky as she started playing with his hair and moving even closer.

"Isn't it obvious?" she murmured. "We're alone inside here and nobody will interrupt us."

Charlotte closed her eyes and pressed her lips against his jaw. Sebastian shivered and pulled her onto him, redirecting her lips so that they landed on his.

"Don't forget that there's a driver outside," he said between kisses. "So don't think of any crazy ideas."

Charlotte smiled against his lips. "I wouldn't think of it."


The ride went by rather fast. And, as promised, nothing crazy happened. But it was hard for him to keep that promise because of the temptation next to him.

As soon as they arrived, Sebastian felt a welcoming sense from the castle. Even though this was Kaiden's castle, this was his home. The only place where he had felt like he belonged. For a good amount of time at least.

But rather than standing there and reminiscing, Charlotte immediately dragged him along so that they could get things done. The wedding was that day after all and it would start in three hours.

When they entered the castle, there were many people running around, carrying things. Sebastian's eyes widened. He didn't know the last time the castle was as filled as much people as he was currently seeing. They were probably managing the last minute preparations for the wedding.

They carefully went around them and headed up to drop off their items. Charlotte went into a separate room, announcing that she was going to prepare as well by dressing up.

Sebastian knew that it would take at most an hour to get ready so he decided to go look around the castle. He was curious to see how the castle looked like with a wedding being hosted inside.

But first, he was going to find the groom.

Sebastian found Kaiden in his bedroom. The door was open for him to see that he was already dressed up. Even from the hallway, Sebastian could see that his brother was nervous.

Kaiden was fidgeting with his tie, looking like he was struggling even though Sebastian knew that it usually wasn't a problem for him. At least the rest of his clothes seemed to be in place. The traditional black suit was crisp and even.

Contrastingly, there was a small, stubborn patch of hair on the back of his head that didn't want to be tamed.

"I never thought you'd be the first of us to marry," Sebastian called out casually, watching his head turn towards him.

A smile replaced Kaiden's nervous expression as he walked over to give him a quick hug.

"Hey Seb," Kaiden said, using his childhood nickname for the first time in a very long time. "I'm glad you made it."

"Of course I'd make it to my younger brother's wedding. You're going to be a married man in a few hours," Sebastian replied, fixing up Kaiden's tie. After he was done, Kaiden muttered a quiet thank you.

It was silent for a few seconds. He could tell that his younger brother was intensely thinking about something.

"What are you worrying about?" Sebastian asked.

"What if she changes her mind?" Kaiden's voice was awfully vulnerable. "I don't think I deserve her."

It was time for Sebastian to snap his brother out of his doubts. "Come on Kaiden, you know her better than that. Belle would never change her mind, being the stubborn woman she is. Also, she's as in love with you as you are with her."

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