Zero pov21

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I woken up the next morning to visit kaname at night when yuki and the day class where all asleep and the night class was just getting up.As I was getting ready to go with the night class I can hear kaname getting up i knock on his door to talk to him but when I knock I could just hear him say go away I yell back open the door and the next thing I know the door open and kaname walk out and start out hit me I was thinking what did I do wrong now I have seen or heard him in a week he's was ignoring  me and actually start to talk to yuki again I don't know what's going on but I just feel angry and sad that I took off running to the horse stables to see Lilly and be alone like i normal I'm why did i ever think kaname would ever like me
I'm a level E/werewolf who would what that and he's a pure blood prince and has a girl by his side now I could see that why would he ever like me

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