Chapter 15

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Did I completely forget to update??? yeaaah xd Sowwwyyyyy


Hyunjin's joke made everybody laugh except Felix who felt himself blushing under the very-not-discreet gaze he received. Jinyoung patted his shoulder in a gesture he wanted comforting but his clear laugh gave his real thoughts away.

"You're really in great shape today, Hyunjinnie," he said as if the remark was not such a big deal and did not overwhelm Felix in a split second.

Hyunjin shrugged, he looked incredibly proud of his little effect. Felix kept looking at the two brothers joking around as if they barely introduced themselves as aliens trying to invade the world - might just be, he could probably deal with aliens better than handsome flirty humans. Especially the ones named Hwang Hyunjin, they tend to break his sanity.

"Are you with us, Lixie?" Hyewon asked genuinely worried for a second.

She did not realise what happened shook her friend to that extend and certainly did not expect to find him in such a state. Felix nodded hesitantly and cleared his throat. He needed to get a grip on himself.

"Yeah, I... hmm... nothing. Just thinking, you know. About things."

Hyewon raised an eyebrow and bit her lips to stop from laughing. She noticed easily Hyunjin's lopsided smile beside her friend. His attention was more on her pretty best friend than the discussion he had with his brother. Those two were too obvious, she thought almost rolling her eyes.

From a further spot in the garden, she noticed her mother waving at them. Once again, Felix seemed deep in his thoughts, longing gaze on the taller man by his sides. She elbowed Felix's waist to call him.

"I think mom's calling you," she said and she almost laughed again to the way Felix blinked at least one hundred times before he registered the information.

Before he was able to take his sense back, Mrs Dang was next to them.

"Felix-ah~" the older woman called affectionately. "Where did you put the menus the chef showed yesterday? You know, the ones with all the ingredients."

"Right beside the buffet," he answered without thinking for long.

"We can't find them dear and you see I was talking with Mrs Bae and we were wondering about this dish you decided to..."

"Okay, I'll help you look for it," Felix offered, knowing it could last for hours if he let Mrs Dang talk any longer.

"That's sweet of you Felix~ah."

She turned around happily and Felix excused himself, ready to follow.

"And there I was the one sweet-talking the parents, huh?" he heard behind him, recognizing Hyunjin's snarky, teasing tone.

Half amused, half offended, Felix sent him a particularly unconvincing death glare and walked away, not paying attention to Jinyoung's questions about the meaning of Hyunjin's remark.

AS expected, Felix found the said menus where he left them, but Mrs Dang took advantage of the situation to introduce him to all her friends and relatives. Most of them knew Felix already, but she considered herself as his almost-mother and started to boast about his on-point organisation of the wedding.

"You grew up in my house, aren't I allowed to have the benefit now and show around how handsome you are?" she said playfully, making him blush.

Thankfully, Felix noticed she was doing the same with Woojin and they both looked at each other in desperation. Their eyes showed how much they would like to run away, without daring to. They liked Mrs Dang very much, but they were also a bit afraid of hurting her and even more scared of pissing her off, she could be scary when she wanted to.

After a while, Felix became a bit more suspicious of the woman's behaviour. The way Mrs Dang introduced them insistently to some mothers seemed a bit too unusual to look like she hadn't any idea in the back of her mind.

"I have a girlfriend, eomma," Woojin told her after a while.

Amused, Mrs Dang chuckled and shrugged.

"I know that dear~ I know you do," she said and flashed a wonderful grin when she glanced toward Felix very-not-discreetly.

"Well, actually... it's not completely official, so I'm not sure if I should say it, but Felix is taken too," Woojin smiled and dramatically turned his gaze toward the wall on the other side of the garden.

Right there, leaning lightly on the wall, Hyunjin had his eyes focused on Felix. Since the moment he left, he hadn't looked away for more than three minutes straight.

"Omo" Mrs Dang exclaimed happily.

"What? I... no... it's..." Felix looked up to them surprised.

"I see~" Mrs Dang made a knowing face, visibly very happy of the fresh gossip. "We'll start to eat soon anyway. Can you help for that?" she asked and walked away when she saw Felix nod.

Unable to understand her behaviour, he tilted his head and frowned. What happened exactly? Did he miss something there? He tried to find some answers from Woojin, but instead of helping him, his friend just shrugged. As he was told, Felix started to prepare a few details needed before the people were allowed to go in and Mrs Dang not-so-subtly tried to ask more details about Hyunjin.

"It's not like that..." Felix whined.

"Yet." Woojin completed with a smirk.

"Yet," Felix agreed with a blush, doing his best to not look at Hyunjin. 

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