Giving each member of her family a weak smile Aurora nodded her head and made her way out the room, angrily brushing the tears from her face as she went. Perhaps it was best if she moved to Birmingham all together, she was at her happiest there.

"Aurora,wait!" Her Dad called out with a sigh but she wouldn't turn back round to face him. If he had acted reasonable then Aurora would of given him the chance to discuss everything, with no missing details. She would of reassured him that the earliest she was leaving would have been late within the next year. He hadn't been reasonable so Aurora would not give him the reassurance he needed and leave.

Aurora hearing her Dad lift himself from the throne quickly stepped out the house and slammed the door behind her with a small grunt of annoyance. She didn't want to be followed. Like always Aurora would avoid her Dad and talk to him in a few days, maybe a few weeks depending on her anger.

"Trouble at home Aurora?"

Turning away from the door, Aurora clenched her fists with a troubled frown, biting back the animalistic noise that threatened to escape her throat. Aurora had always been the more good natured person in her family, the more kind hearted but as she set her sights on Debbie, who was stood in the street with that twisted smirk of hers plastered on her face, Aurora felt the kindness in her heart turn to stone.

"Why can't you fuck off?!" Aurora spat, surprised at her own anger yet it would not be tamed. She could feel her cheeks heating up as she bit down on her tongue, eager to ignore the woman and move on.
"You know why, I..just need to talk to him"

Aurora couldn't move on!

In a matter of seconds Aurora had rushed towards the woman and grabbed the front of her coat with both hands.
"You all think because m'kind and quiet that you can walk all over me! Well you can't! I will not be the fool! I am Aurora Elizabeth Hayes and I demand some fucking respect!"

With a sudden thrust, Aurora slammed her head into Debbie's face, again and again.....and again. She heard the sound of bones crunching as they buckled under the force of her strikes. Hot blood soon followed and Aurora wasn't sure who's it was or who was the hurt the most.
Once Aurora had delivered her final blow she finally stepped back and let Debbie tumble to the ground. Unclenching her fists, Aurora looked down at the wailing woman and gasped. She stumbled slightly, her legs trembling underneath her as she laid eyes upon the damage she has caused.

"Why? bitch! Just like...your mother!" Debbie sobbed clutching her shattered nose looking up at Aurora with such hatred and Aurora couldn't blame her.
What had she done?!
She wanted to apologise but couldn't find the words. What words could she say that would make any of this ok?

Glancing around, Aurora saw the neighbours staring at her in shock. The ones that had once smiled at her were now glaring and shielding their children from Aurora's view. The kindness that had turned to stone was now weeping in remorse.
"Aurora?" She heard her Dad call out softly.
Turning around Aurora saw her family had gathered outside, their eyes filled with understanding and reassurance. Her Mam was reaching out to her, beckoning Aurora into her arms but bringing her own arms around herself, Aurora shook her head and began to slowly walk backwards.

She saw David stood by Christopher's side and let out a loud sob.
"You see David....I do belong 'ere after all"
And with that Aurora ran, ignoring the pain in her head and the calls for her to come back. Aurora was doing what she did best....running. No matter how much she told herself she wasn't a child anymore it continued to not work, in the end Aurora would always flea.

Aurora escaped to one of the only places that remained private to her. Walking through the large gates she dug her heels into the cobbles and steadily made her way through the cemetery. Keeping her arms wrapped around herself Aurora tried to preserve her body heat as the cold hit her with a sharp clap of vengeance. It always seemed a lot colder in here than it did anywhere else. She understood why not many liked to visit but it brought Aurora a sense of peace. It was quiet which made it easier for her to be one with her mind and that's all Aurora ever wanted.

A Shelby Mistress حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن